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Environmental Candidates forum and NZAEE AGM

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Monday September 20th

Environmental Candidates evening

Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens.
Starting 7pm.

The Environmental forum for candidates standing for Hamilton City Council and the four Hamilton positions on Environment Waikato is on tonight.

Come along and hear the candidates talk about what they think are the issues around sustainability in Hamilton, and what they hope to do if elected.

Each candidate will be given a set amount of time to speak on the topic. General questions will then be directed to candidates from the floor.
Supper will be provided, and is another chance to talk directly to candidates.

And then make sure you go home and vote!! Your voting papers should have arrived by now.

Wednesday 22nd September

NZ Association for Environmental Education - Waikato Branch

Anyone involved in environmental education is welcome to come to the NZAEE AGM on Wednesday, being held at the new eco-classroom at Hukanui School

5.30pm Tour of the Living Room eco-classroom

6.00 AGM

NZAEE is an umbrella group whose mission is to foster environmental and sustainability education. As someone who is interested in this area, we invite you to join us on a tour of the Hukanui Primary School Eco-classroom, followed by a short AGM (where you won’t be press-ganged on to a committee) and drinks and nibbles.

Where: Hukanui Primary School (park on Hukanui Rd next to St Johns and enter through latched gate in the school fence)

 RSVP: Katherine Hay, Ph 839 4452, email envirocentre@paradise.net.nz






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