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Waiwhakareke and Riverlea working days, NZ bird survey

Posted 13 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 25 June  2011

Friends of Waiwhakareke Working Morning
Time:   9am-12midday
Meet on Bavistock Road entrance beside the Park sign.

Bring gumboots, spades, gloves and morning  tea.   

We will be planting in gaps (infill planting).  We can also plant along the fence area parallel to Baverstock Road, near the entrance plantings from last year, depending on numbers of volunteers attending. We would like to create a more defined track between the existing plantings and the stock fence.
Any enquiries: Moira Cursey 07-846-5066

Also on Saturday 25th June

Calling all Riverlea supporters

We are having a big working bee 1pm to 3pm on Saturday 25 June to plant 1400 native seedlings in the open area near the northern end of the Hammond Bush boardwalk.
This is the culmination of two or three years' work clearing the area and suppressing bamboo and other persistent weeds.

If you're able to help please let me know by return email so that we can get some ideas of numbers.

Contact: Dr Stephen Hamilton, Chairperson
Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated
Tel. +64 7 856 8355

25 June to 3rd July

NZ Garden Bird Survey

Do you have a spare hour to sit and enjoy your garden?

Landcare Research, Forest and Bird and the Ornitholgical Society of NZ are asking the public to help once again in spotting birds in NZ gardens.Easy to do - just spend an hour noting the birds coming into your garden and record the largest number of each species which you see or hear at any one time.

Brochures in the Environment Centre to fill in or go to the website

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