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Events coming up

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 26th June

Two plantings this Saturday at Waiwhakareke, Brymer Rd

9.00 -12pm Friends of Waiwhakareke
1.00-3.00pm Kiwi Conservation Corps
Meet at entrance to park by Project sign Brymer Rd, Stage 3 plantings, see attached for location.

WAIWHAKAREKE - Conservation Volunteers - 2010 plantings.pdf

Also Saturday 26th June


1pm to 3pm this Saturday
This month the focus will be on planting native seedlings in the southern part of the reserve.
Meet at the southern (Balfour Cres) end of the boardwalk
Please bring a spade and gardening gloves

All welcome!
Stephen Hamilton
Riverlea Environment Society Inc.
Tel. +64 7 856 8355  www.resi.org.nz

Tuesday 29th June

Transistion Towns meeting in the Environment Centre

7.30pm Time to have another get together, midwinter!

Recap of what is currently happening around the region, and then brainstorm at what else could be happening ie where are the gaps - biofuels, community assisted agriculture, roof gardens, etc etc and how we can progress some of those ideas. RSVP to the Environment Centre 839 4452

Saturday 3rd July

Tree crops plant sale
10 - 1pm
Camellia carpark at Hamilton Gardens - Gate 2

Thursday 1st July

SBN, EW and HCC present
Rainwater Harvesting Seminar

Water is a precious resource and, in many parts of the world, extremely scarce. Flagged as the next oil, its management is already under much debate. New Zealanders rely on a constant supply of water for residential, commercial or industrial use.
The Waikato Sustainable Business Network is partnering with Environment Waikato and Hamilton City Council to bring you this breakfast seminar on rainwater harvesting. Harnessing rainwater by using sustainable design and a lifecycle thinking approach to behaviours and operations can ensure ongoing supply, avoiding possible shortages and increasing costs in the future.
The seminar will give you the opportunity to:
· Understand the drivers for and benefits of rainwater and grey water re-use.
· Hear from businesses that have been there, done it and have the experience!
· Talk with council representatives and national experts during the interactive sessions.
Global and national issues will be discussed as will low impact design (LID), grey water use, compliance and product specifications.
Date: Thursday 1st July
Time: 7am – 10.30am
Venue: McMeekan Centre, Seminar Room, AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, East St, Hamilton
Cost: $50 (includes breakfast)
RSVP: essential to jo@sustainable.org.nz by Monday 28th June. Any cancellations received after the RSVP date will be charged at full cost.

Tuesday 27th July

ETS presentation

The Emissions Trading Scheme will be coming into force 1st July. There are many questions surrounding what this means and how it will impact SME’s. In order to support small businesses to be better informed about the ETS, SBN has organised an objective presentation on the what, why and how’s of the system, with a strong focus on voluntary actions, both certified and non-certified.

This 2 hour presentation will provide you with the opportunity to ask all of those questions you have about the ETS. SBN will talk about a few practical ideas to introduce sustainable business practices into your workplace that will help to lessen the impact of the ETS on your business, whilst ensuring ongoing best practice. Please join us for a coffee and note this presentation is not designed to be for nor against the ETS, only informative.
Presentations will be from Ministry for the Environment and SBN.
When: Tuesday 27th July
Time: 8am – 10am
Where: TBC

RSVP: essential jo@sustainable.org.nz by Wed 21st July – rsvps are essential

Jo Wills
National Events Manager, BOP/WK Manager
Sustainable Business Network
P: 07 577 9355  M: 021 686 645
Smart Business Centre
Level 1, 65 Chapel St
PO Box 14098
Tauranga Mail Centre 3143


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