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July Events

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

What's in this newsletter

Sat 20th July Pukemokemoke working bee
Sat 20th July Bot Soc trip to Okataina
Sun 21st July Forest and Bird trip to Kaniwhaniwha
Wed 24th July Mangaiti AGM
Thurs 25th July Forest and Bird talk - Kermadecs
Sat 27th July Waiwhakareke working morning
Sun 28th Miropiko working morning

Saturday 20th July

Working bee at Pukemokemoke, 1 to 5pm.

We look forward to seeing you at the Reserve...bring a sickle &/or machete for clearing weeds and the summit tracks; don't forget to bring afternoon tea!
Contact Alan Leadley
Ph: 07-8552919 Cell Ph: 0272249622 Email: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Saturday 20th July

Waikato Botanical Society trip – Lake Okataina

In the Lake Okataina Scenic Reserve you'll see one some fine stands of warm-temperate podocarp/broadleaf forest on a pumice-infilled basin landform, and commanding views of the Twin Lakes (Rotongata and Rotoatua, volcanic crater lakes formed about 3,500 years ago). The process of encroachment on the margins of two large clearings offers some interesting insights into forest dynamics (and divaricate plants), and there are also exclosure plots that reveal the dramatic effects of deer and wallabies on forest regeneration. All the walks are on gentle terrain; there are no steep grades.
Meet:8:30 am at 1 London Street carpark, CBD
Contact: Chris Lusk, 0278763450, clusk@waikato.ac.nz
Grade: Easy / Medium

Sunday 21st July

Forest and Bird Walk
Kaniwhaniwha - Pirongia.
All welcome. Leave Hamilton 8.30 to meet at Kaniwhaniwha carpark, Limeworks Loop Rd,  9.15am. We'll be walking to the kahikatea (tallest recorded tree in NZ).
Shorter walks are also possible for those not wanting a long walk.
Average grade.
leader Philip Hart 856 7992.

Wednesday  24th July 2013

Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust  AGM
Will be in the evening, full details coming on the blogsite

Contact Rex Bushell
Coordinator and Trustee, Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust
854-0973  021-237-3857

Thursday 25th July

Forest and Bird Talk
7.30pm,  Hamilton Gardens

Karen Baird - ‘Protecting our Last Pristine Ocean Ecosystem’
The Kermadecs is one of NZ’s most unique and special places. It is internationally recognised for it’s geology, having the longest submarine volcanic arc in the world. Its biodiversity spans great ocean depths and breadths to cloud forest. Some of its values have already been recognised in protection of the islands as nature reserves and a marine reserve out to the territorial limit. Karen will talk about some of the values of the region and suggest that NZ needs to take much bolder steps to achieve meaningful protection of our marine environment starting with the Kermadecs – an Ocean Sanctuary to include the whole EEZ.

Note also: Waikato Museum is launching an exhibition on the 27th July: KERMADEC - NINE ARTISTS EXPLORE THE SOUTH PACIFIC
27 JULY - 13 OCTOBER 2013

In May 2011 the Kermadec initiative of the Pew Environment Group invited nine artists and broadcaster Marcus Lush to join them on a voyage through the Kermadec Region of New Zealand.

Saturday  27 July 2013

Next working bee for Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park.
9am - midday

Meet at Gate 3 about 300m past the Zoo on the right.
We will be infill planting the semi swamp area planted in 2008.    Bring GUMBOOTS, a spade and morning tea.   It would be great if you can let me know if you are coming by Thursday 25  July so we can organise the right number of plants to be onsite.  And it would be great if there was a good turn out for this planting. As the old adage goes......"Many hands make work light"!  It worked last month again.
Please contact Moira Cursey if you are able to come m.cursey@xtra.co.nz

Sunday 28th July 2013

Miropiko Reserve Working morning 10.30 - 12
339 River Road
Contact Katherine khay@pear.co.nz


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