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Gully reminder, Junats, Pukemokemoke, Bot Soc trip, Waipa awards, EIF, Eco conference

Posted 11 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Reminder - first Gully Restoration Seminar tonight

7 - 9pm,  MSB.1.01, Gate 7, Hillcrest Rd, University of Waikato

And don't forget the first Gully Trip of the series is on Saturday 9 - 12 at Humarie Park, Cranwell Place.

Friday 16th August
Junats meeting

This week’s meeting is Adventures in Antarctica. Our guest presenter is Josh Scarrow, University of Waikato. Josh is a Masters Student and has spent several months in Antarctica as part of an international team studying microbial communities. Down at the Hort Centre at Hamilton Gardens at 7pm. Gate 2. Contact Dave Matthews Ph (07) 846 4013.  For more info about Junats.

Saturday 17th August
Pukemokemoke Working day

From 1 to 5pm at Pukemokemoke.

All are welcome.
There is a considerable stand of mature privet at the far eastern end of the Reserve that needs to be poisoned and some weeding to do, etc.  Some of you haven't been for quite a while: come and see the progress! 
Alan Leadley
Ph: 07-8552919   Cell Ph: 0272249622
Email: mualleadley@xtra.co.nz

Saturday 17th August
Waikato Botanical Society trip – Lake Koroha (Hauturu Forest)

This walk will take us through a mixture of forest types from Rimu/Tawa, Regenerating Manuka and Pukatea forest to the lake which is surrounded by Kamahi/Rewarewa forest. The lake itself is ringed by sphagnum bog with patches of Eleocharis spacealata. The walk to the lake will take 2-3 hours.
Leader: Thomas Emmitt temmitt@doc.govt.nz ph. 07 878 1055 (work) or 021 152 3030. Let Thomas know if you are going.
Meet: 9am at the Hauturu Hall, corner of Harbour Road and Hauturu Road, South Kawhia.
Grade: Medium-Hard
Bring: Good footwear, lunch, togs if you are brave enough

Monday 26th August

Morrinsville Free Funding workshop

From 10 - 1pm.
Morrinsville Community House, 43 Canada Street, Morrinsville.

Presented by Trust Waikato and Community Waikato
This funding workshop covers all aspects of applying successfully for funding, accountability, and other financial information (more info in pdf attached

2013 Funding workshp.pdf

To register please email: robyn@communitywaikato.org.nz

Waipa Biodiversity Awards

Entries for the Awards close on 30 August and the Awards evening (in conjunction with the Heritage Awards) will be held on Wednesday, 2 October. The last Awards night was a fabulous event. We would really like to see as wide a range of entries as possible, to ensure proper recognition is given to the many worthy projects that are out there.

Entry details

Demelza Murphy, the WDC coordinator of the Awards, is also happy to accept email entries (although this was not noted on the guideline form). Email Award entries can be sent to info@waipadc.govt.nz

WRC's Environmental Initiatives Fund

The fund provides one-off grants to projects, which directly enhance and/or benefit the environment or provide environmental education. Up to $40,000 is available to any one project.

Anyone can apply.
Projects must be in keeping with council’s mission, goals and its statutory functions and duties as a regional council. Funding can be provided to specific projects designed to:

  • enhance the environment
  • promote and/or contribute to sustainable management of the environment
  • raise community awareness of environmental issues
  • provide environmental education.

Applications for more than $5000 will be processed twice a year and must be received by 1 October 2013.
Applications for $5000 or less will be considered as soon as practical after they are received. Exceptions to these deadlines will be allowed in cases of special need. To get more details of criteria and the application form.

ECO Conference dates changed

Now Friday 29 November - Sunday 1 December 2013
Kauaeranga Valley Christian Camp, 304 Kauaeranga Valley Road, Thames, Coromandel





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