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Events coming up

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Postponement: Bot Soc fieldtrip to Karioi this weekend has been postponed due to adverse weather forecast.

This Sunday, 21st April

Community Weeding morning
We are at Humaire Park again this Sunday at 8.30am.
meet Cranwell Place entrance to undertake more Ivy removal.
Thanks again  to those of you that have been supporting this project.

Gerard Kelly
Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces
DDI: 07 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz

Monday 22nd April

Waikato Botanical Society Agm
Catherine Beard - Rangatira Island - an outstanding wildlife sanctuary.

Catherine Beard is the guest speaker at our AGM on Monday. She's recently spent three weeks on a remote island in the Chathams, home to 3 million burrowing seabirds as well as endangered forest birds such as the black robin and Chatham Island snipe. Along with the many Chatham Island endemic fauna, the flora associated with this seabird island habitat is equally rare and beautiful. Come and hear about this amazing part of the world and see some of Catherine's many stunning images along with stories of being a field assistant whose feet are encased in petrel boards all day.

(A brief AGM precedes the talk where you'll catch up with what the Botanical Society has been doing for the last year and plans for 2013-14)

Venue : University of Waikato – S Block. Room S.G.03
Time : 5:30 - 7.30 PMEVERYONE WELCOME!

To put in your diary - Friday 31 May

Our Freshwater Species - Survival and Enhancement

Waikato Raupatu River Trust and the Waikato Biodiversity Forum Invitation

Kia ora and Greetings
You are invited to a hui on Friday 31 May 2013 to be held at Hopuhopu just north of Ngaruawahia.

Purposes of the Day

  • Increase knowledge of the management of fresh water species in the Waikato River Catchment
  • Provide opportunity to share stories on successes, challenges and solutions for enhancing the Waikato River Catchment
  • Meet with others who undertake biodiversity work

Moira Cursey

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Co-ordinator
07 8465066      027 2223791




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