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Events end of October

Posted 15 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday 28th October.

This week's film is Food Inc.

At Waimarie Community Centre,7pm
53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East

IMDB summary says...
"The current method of raw food production is largely a response to the growth of the fast food industry since the 1950s. The production of food overall has more drastically changed since that time than the several thousand years prior. Controlled primarily by a handful of multinational corporations, the global food production business - with an emphasis on the business - has as its unwritten goals production of large quantities of food at low direct inputs (most often subsidized) resulting in enormous profits, which in turn results in greater control of the global supply of food sources within these few companies. Health and safety (of the food itself, of the animals produced themselves, of the workers on the assembly lines, and of the consumers actually eating the food) are often overlooked by the companies, and are often overlooked by government in an effort to provide cheap food regardless of these negative consequences. Many of the changes are based on advancements in science and technology, but often have negative side effects. The answer that the companies have come up with is to throw more science at the problems to bandage the issues but not the root causes. The global food supply may be in crisis with lack of biodiversity, but can be changed on the demand side of the equation."

If anyone doesn't make it to this screening it is possible the Environment Centre will organise another one. Let me know if you are interested.

Saturday, 31 October -

Friends of Waiwhakareke Working Morning

Meet at 9am  at Brymer Rd, go past the zoo (heading north) about 300m and look out for the Community Planting sign.
We have Max Weinberg from Sport Waikato attending to give a run through of a new initiative the "Green Gym", warm up and stretching exercises, so come along and find out how to get the best from doing the right exercises before gardening or undertaking restoration work.
Main tasks for day will be releasing last year's plantings and placing weed mats.
Everyone is very welcome to come to this event - and vring the family.
Join Friends of Waiwhakareke - support this great Hamilton project.
contact the Environment Centre 839 4452

Saturday, 31 October

Riverlea working bee at Hammond Bush

Please meet at the northern (Malcolm St) end of the boardwalk, 1pm to 4pm.
We will be placing rat tracking cards in the rat tracking stations. The ones we laid have been tracking hedgehogs so need replacing.
If we have lots of helpers we can concentrate on "Weed Busting" small clumps of Kahili Ginger and small privet through the bush area. See www.weedbusters.co.nz
If we have a large turnout we could have a group continue with Honeysuckle removal in the first wet area on left under the Alders as you enter the boardwalk.
For November we can release plants that we planted at the far end of the park by the large Kowhai in the gully.

Participants need to bring
* suitable footwear i.e. gumboots
* gardening gloves (disposable gloves are available for those applying vigilant to cut privet).
* secateurs and or loppers
* Suitable clothing (it could be muddy in the bog area at start of the Boardwalk) wet weather gear if light rain)

Stephen Hamilton
Riverlea Environment Society Inc.
Tel. +64 7 856 8355

Sunday November 1

Urban Stream Tour: Hooked on native fish
1:30pm – 4:30pm

Meet us at Memorial Park to join the bus for a tour of 5 Hamilton streams.
Building on the highly successful gully-themed tours run over the last decade by Tui 2000, this year’s tour, run in partnership with the NZ Landcare Trust, will focus on 5 Hamilton streams. To help unravel the stories around each stream, experts have been invited to share their knowledge. Taking the perspective of a native fish, the general themes for the afternoon will be what’s in our streams, urban planning: the good and not so good, water quality, community stream restoration successes and importantly, what you can do to help your local stream.

For more info, email monica.peters@landcare.org.nz or phone 07 859 3725
To register, email envirocentre@paradise.net.nz or phone 07 839 4452


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