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February 2010

Posted 15 years ago    0 comments

This weekend
Permaculture Design Course starting Saturday -
there are just a few spaces if anyone else is interested in doing it.
Also a few spaces on the organic gardening course beginning March 10.
Phone Cheryl 834 2249.

Tuesday February 22

Hamilton City Council, in partnership with Beca Infrastructure Ltd (consulting engineers) is carrying out a pedestrian study focusing on several sites around the city, including:

* Boundary Rd
* Five Cross Rds
* Grey St from Naylor St to Cobham Drive
* Collingwood/ Tristram intersection
* Fairfield Bridge, including intersections with Victoria St and River Rd
* The urban State Highway network

The focus of this project is to identify potential improvements in pedestrian facilities. This may include refuge islands, improvements to existing footpaths, new footrpath links or new crossing points, for example.

 We would like community input into the pedestrian study. Your feedback is invited through...your attendance at an open day to be held at
Hamilton City Council Reception Centre, Garden Place
Time: 10.00am to 2.00pm
If you are unable to attend in person, you might like to express your opinions by email to Steve Taylor, Active Travel Coordinator, HCC, email steve.taylor@hcc.govt.nz and to Bridget Burdett, Traffic Safety Engineer, Beca, email bridget.burdett@beca.com

Saturday 27th February

Good Life Expo

If you haven't booked a stall yet, hurry! phone Cheryl 834 2249
Get along there with your family and friends, it will be a fun and interesting day. Check out the permaculture website for details - www.permaham.boo.co.nz


Next working bees at Pukemokemoke are on Sat 20th and 27th Feb, and March and April. All 1pm to 4pm. Most of our time will be spent clearing the plants that went in during last winter. Bring a sickle and gloves.....
A reminder also to those of you who are ‘Friends’ or who would like to become a ‘Friend of Pukemokemoke’: I hope you continue to pay for the privilege of looking after this scenic gem! Subs of $10- per ‘Friend’ or $20- per family are due by the 1st April. The money from subs supplements the money we spend on enrichment planting, development of new tracks, weed control and the like. Being a ‘Friend’ means you have a voice on the Bush Reserve Trust through Sue Smith, a member of the Trust representing the ‘Friends’.

Your sub can be banked electronically, OR sent to Pukemokemoke Trust, c/o Guardian Trust, PO Box 1375, Hamilton OR given to myself or one of the Trustees. The account number at Westpac Bank is 0301040984913 01 (please quote the reference no 19956802 Pukemokemoke if you are setting up an annual automatic payment).
The Waikato Botanical Society are planning a plant species count at Pukemokemoke on Saturday 17th April. If any of you would like to join the group’s activity on this occasion please be at the parking area and bridge at 10am.

Tuesday 2nd March, 7pm - 9pm

Living Legacies presents a Natural Funeral Workshop

Tutor - Lynda Hannah

Hamilton Envirocentre Ward Street, Hamilton

Come and find out about:
How and why to plan your own funeral
How to arrange a funeral for someone you love
How to save thousands of dollars in funeral expenses
The environmental implications of the funeral industry
The value of a meaningful celebration of life
Natural burial parks

$40 per person or $70 per couple
(Handouts available if prepaid by February 28)
Please phone: 07 839 4452
Or email: Lynda@livinglegacies.co.nz
For more information visit: www.livinglegacies.co.nz

Thursday, 04 March 2010

Planning for Volunteer Involvement

Workshop Facilitator: Jenny Magee

Spaces are Limited…REGISTER NOW!!

8.45am – 1pm

We can send you the volunteers that you need to effectively run your organisation and provide your services - but do you know how to manage those volunteers? Do you know how to best recruit, select, orientate, support, manage and appreciate your volunteers?
Do you know why they are volunteering for you? If you don’t, then how can you know if they are getting what they need.
How do you meet their needs? What policies do you need to protect your volunteers - and your organisation?
We can help!!

 VENUE: New Zealand Red Cross – Northern Midland Region
422 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton (next to Bunnings)
To register contact Volunteering Waikato for a form - Volunteering Waikato - P O Box 19111, Hamilton, 3244 ● Phone: 07 839 3191 Fax: 07 839 7987 ● Email: admin@volunteeringwaikato.org.nz

Volunteers wanted:

Volunteers wanted for our Night Glow (Saturday, 27th March). We are looking for 16 volunteers to help out with recycling by 'manning' the recycling stations and encouraging patrons to recycle. Contact Julia on 8384645 or email me at julia@balloonsoverwaikato.co.nz.

Tagging butterflies

Here's a great project for those who are looking for an environmental project that is low cost and hands on - tagging Monarch butterflies.
It is easy to grow swan plants, and the Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust will gladly supply free seed to schools that require them, just send a self-addressed envelope and request to MBNZT, C/- NZ Post, Russell 0242.
There is full information about the tagging project here:



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