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Calling community groups

Posted 11 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

The Waikato branch of the
New Zealand Association for Environmental Education
invites your community environmental group to

Green Networking

November 25th  5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Venue: Hamilton City Council Reception Lounge
Drinks and nibbles will be served.

Make a 3 minute presentation about your group’s work. You may wish to include where you do your work, how many/who is involved, what achievements you are getting, what ideas/concerns you have for going forward.  Datashow will be available but please use a maximum of 6 slides and include lots of pictures.

Hear what other groups are doing, share ideas and concerns and meet people like you!

We are inviting recently elected Regional and Hamilton City Councillors so that they can see what a contribution you are making and you can discuss future initiatives with them.

We hope you can make it! 

Please reply to Andrea Soanes by Friday 22 Nov using the form below:

Group name and contact:

Yes our group would love to attend thanks / Sorry we can’t make it this time   (delete one)

If attending, how many of your group members will attend (for catering):

Will your community group make a 3 minute presentation:      Yes / No  (delete one)

This is a great opportunity to have a voice in a forum that has the potential to make a difference and it will be a great night so we urge you to please make the effort to attend.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards



Andrea Soanes | Schools Programme Co-ordinator  | Resource Use Group
Waikato Regional Council
P: +64 7 859 2707
F: +64 7 859 0998
M: 021 307 323
Private Bag 3038, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240
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