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Road to Resilience and Green Ribbon Awards now open

Posted 11 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

Sunday 24th February

Road to Resilience - Hamilton Permaculture Trust

Come on down to the Sustainable Backyard at Hamilton Gardens this Sunday to experience a day of inspiration and inventions, as part of the Hamilton Gardens Summer Festival.

10am Pruning espaliered fruit trees demo
10.45 Building a top bar beehive
12.00 Scones (cooked in the earthoven) and herbal tea (proceeds to Friends of Hamilton Gardens)
1pm Solar cooker and a rocket stove making
2.30pm Composting toilet construction
3.30 Time banking talk
4.00 Auction of the topbar beehive.


Nominations are now open for the 2013 Green Ribbon Awards.

We would love to have your nominations for the Awards.

The Awards recognise the outstanding contribution of individuals and organisations to sustaining, protecting and enhancing New Zealand’s environment. The Green Ribbon Awards will be presented by the Minister for the Environment in June 2013
The Awards are open to individuals and organisations in New Zealand who are making a difference for our environment. You can nominate yourself, your organisation, community group, service or product or you can nominate someone else you think deserves recognition.

An information sheet showing the award categories and how to make a nomination is available (be patient it is a bit slow to load). Nominations close 12pm Monday 25th March 2013.
For more information please email  or visit our website

It would be great if you could forward this email to others who may wish to make a nomination.

Moya McConnell - Green Ribbon Award Coordinator
Ministry for the Environment – Manatu Mo Te Taiao
DDI: 04 439 7440 Website: www.mfe.govt.nz/green-ribbon


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