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Hamilton - Auckland railcar

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago    2 comments

Good afternoon,
Members of the Campaign For Better Transport will hitting the streets in key Waikato towns this Saturday. We will be asking the public to sign the Waikato Commuter Trains NOW! postcards on the spot, then commence bulk mailing them to MP's and the Prime Minister next week.
We will have a couple of CBT members in Huntly and Ngaruawahia, and some at The Base and Central Hamilton. If any of you know any key events on Saturday where CBT should be, please let me know as soon as possible. If you would like to help out on Saturday, please also let me know asap.
Just in case you don't know, you can go onto the CBT website and download postcards to print and send FreePost to show your support from Waikato Commuter Trains. Please tell all your friends and colleagues to do this. Local Hamilton East MP, David Bennett has publicly stated his opposition to the train service, as he says the future is electric cars - which could well be true, in 20 years time. Residents and businesses want the trains NOW!

 Direct link to the postcard campaign: www.bettertransport.org.nz/campaigns/hamilton-auckland-rail
A DOWNLOADABLE poster is in the process of being designed at the moment, so soon you can print them off and hang them up in your offices or public notice boards.

Timetable for Saturday:

CBT members from Auckland meeting at Huntly approximately 10:15am.
Team 1
Some staying at Huntly for an hour or so, then going to Ngaruawahia shops for an hour or so. Then meeting at The Base.
Team 2
Approx 10:45 at The Base until around 1:30pm
Team 3
After helping team 2 out, will go to Hamilton CBD for an hour or so.

All meeting back at The Base at about 1:45 / 2pm to check success on getting people to sign up and Auckland members return back.

We have a couple of CBT t-shirts available for sale (only to financial members) from our last print run. Our committee member Barry Palmer has 5 left at approx $24 (cost) each. These tshirts we tend to wear on the various public meetings and campaigns. Let me know if you are interested in purchasing one.
Thanks for your support and help. Did you know Waikato members now make up our second largest group after the Auckland region. We also now have members in Wellington, Palmerston North, Taranaki and a couple in the UK!
Jon Reeves
Waikato Commuter Trains NOW!
Campaign For Better Transport
 021 535 295   www.BetterTransport.org.nz

Here is a photo which was posted by a CBT member of a recently refurbished Silverfern railcar ( as proposed to be used on the Waikato Commuter Trains). This rolled out of the KiwiRail workshops about a month ago and in the interim, with out a contract finalised on the Hamilton - Auckland route, is being used for occasional charters.



12 years, 11 months ago
hi guys, what was the councils excuse as to why this didnt run ?
Waikato Environment Centre
12 years, 11 months ago
www.BetterTransport.org.nz organised the Waikato Commuter Trains NOW! campaign, so they would be best placed to update you.

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