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Hamilton Civic Awards

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Congratulations to Catherine Smith who received a Civic Award for her contribution to conservation in the Waikato. Catherine has tirelessly advocated for protection and improvement in our natural environment. She is a longstanding member of Tui 2000, and has been closely involved in the contribution that Tui is making to the Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park project, organising the potting of plants at the Tamahere Nursery, attending working days and is a member of the Waiwhakareke Advisory Group. 

She has also been a member of the group working at Barrett's Bush just outside Hamilton, and is also a regular worker at the Jubilee Bush Weedbusters group. Her advocacy skills were well excercised as Chair of the Advisory Committee for Regional Environment (ACRE)  for nine years.

Catherine with Tui 2000 members, Katherine Hay, Moira Cursey, Catherine Smith, Maxine Fraser with Councillor Daphne Bell

It was also good to see another award in the Environment category. This went to Avis Leeson, who has been involved in promoting vegetable garden growing in schools for many years. As a very young 82 year old, Avis is still working with schools and volunteers in schools showing children where their food is coming from. 

Congratulations to both of them, may the Environmental sector produce many more award winners.

All the Civic Award winners: Back Row: Bob Anderson, Melis Van der Sluis, Mayor Julie Hardaker, Francis Charlton, Bruce Clark
Front row: Avis Leeson, Lillian Kershaw, Catherine Smith, Vicki Signal




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