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July/August events and Job opportunity

Posted 15 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

In this newsletter:
Wednesday 29th July Sharks talk

Thursday 30th HOME movie - 2 showings
Friday 31st Nappy workshops starting
Friday 7th August Green drinks

Sat/Sun 8th and 9th Organic growing weekend
Saturday 8th August Waikato Bot Soc trip
Sat 8th August first of Green Home workshops - Retrofit
Wednesday 19th August National WetlandTrust AGM Auckland
Monday 24th August Behaviour change workshop
Saturday 12th September E-Day
Job opportunity

Wednesday July 29th

Royal Society of New Zealand, Waikato Branch
Conservation Status and Research on the White Shark in New Zealand
Clinton Duffy
Conservation Zoologist, DOC

 7.30 pm in Room AG.30 at Waikato University. Entry to A Block (School of Māori & Pacific Development) is through Gate 8 off Hillcrest Road. A campus map is available at http://www.waikato.ac.nz/contacts/map.pdf

White sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) are iconic marine apex predators, yet like many shark and ray species very little is known of their biology. This presentation covers aspects of the life history of white sharks that make them vulnerable to directed and incidental fishery mortality, their national and international conservation status, and the findings of ongoing research on their distribution, movements and biology in New Zealand waters.
Clinton joined the Department of Conservation shortly after completing an MSc (Hons) in Zoology at University of Canterbury in 1989, and is currently employed as a scientist with the Department's Marine Conservation Section based in Auckland.

There is no charge for this event; everyone is welcome.
For further information: Paul Taylor, NIWA Hamilton, p.taylor@niwa.co.nz,
8591 854 DDI.

Thursday 30th July

A film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Through the landscapes of 54 countries, Yann Arthus-Bertrand takes us on an unique journey around the planet. HOME is more than a documentary with a message, it is a magnificent movie in its own right. Every image shows the Earth's treasures we are destroying and all the wonders we can still preserve.

Two screenings: 4.45 and 7.15
Venue: Wintec lecture theatre C16
Map   http://www.wintec.ac.nz/index.asp?pageID=2145827879

Free entry. Waikato Branch of Forest and Bird

Friday July 31st

First Cloth Nappies Workshop
Choosing cloth nappies can be quite confusing because there are so many different styles available today. Come along to our NZNA & Hamilton City Councils reusable nappy workshop and find out how to choose the style that will suit your family and how easy it is to use cloth nappies full time part-time or even just some of the time.

Upcoming Dates: Friday 31st July @ 6.00pm
Saturday 1st August @ 9.30am
Friday 25th September @6.00pm
Saturday 26th September @9.30am
Venue: Parents Place, 87 Boundary Road, Hamilton

Cost: $15 per couple
Each couple that attends will receive a free cloth nappy trial pack valued at around $45 for them to keep.
Bookings essential: Please contact Kate Meads (aka The Nappy Lady) on (07) 5492955 or (0800) 868 726 to book your place. There are limited spaces available and they book up very quickly.

7th August

Next Green Drinks at Landcare Trust
For details see the Green drinks website

8th and 9th August

Organic Growing and Farming in New Zealand
A weekend of learning and practical information

Opening address by Jeanette Fitzsimons
Presented by OrganicFarmNZ
Venue: Hamilton Gardens
Cost $20 per person. Limited places pls register by 30 July
Contact Carol Knutson, OrganicFarmNZ, PO Box 36170, NOrthcote, Auckland or phone 09 419 4536. email manager@organicnz.org
for full schedule and registration information visit

Saturday 8th August 2009

Waikato Botanical society trip
Hauraki Forest Remnant - Hapuakohe

The Hapuakohe Range to the North-East of Huntly borders the western edge of the Hauraki Plains. The bush remnant we are exploring is untracked and steep in places, so a reasonable level of fitness will be required.
Meet: 8.30 am, Landcare Research carpark, Gate 10 Silverdale Rd, Hillcrest. Contact: Catherine Beard ph. 859 0999 email: Catherine.Beard@ew.govt.nz

Saturday 8th August
Retrofit workshop

Presented by Ian Mayes - insulation, energy savings, and other changes to make your home more sustainable. www.ecodesigner.org.nz  $20 per person
Register with Megan Edmeades, megan@greenme.org.nz

19th August

The National Wetland Trust sends you a very warm welcome to attend our 10th Annual General Meeting. Our guest speaker is Montana Book Award Winner Janet Hunt. The AGM will be held at the Auckland Regional Council building, 19th August, starting at 7 pm

The NWT may organise a bus to the venue from Hamilton on a cost-share basis. Please contact enquiries@wetlandtrust.org.nz if you are interested in this or phone Catherine Beard on 0800 800 401. The AGM event is open to members and non-members. For more information visit www.wetlandtrust.org.nz karen.denyer@wetlandtrust.org.nz 021-031-2716

Monday, August 24, 9.30am-4.30pm

Cultivating Sustainability Workshop - Behaviour Change Training for Sustainability Advocates

Cultivating Sustainability is a 1-day workshop which provides environmental sustainability advocates with insights, models and tools to trigger the psychological drivers of environmentally sustainable behaviour.
Where: The Pavilion, Hamilton Gardens, Hamilton
Cost: For-profits $250, Not-for-profit/Government $200, Individuals/Community Groups $120

Presented by Tim Cotter, a psychologist specialising in behaviour change in an organisational and environmental context. Tim provides consulting and training to groups and organisations seeking to develop sustainable behaviours. For more info and registration, see http://www.awake.com.au/cultivating.html
To discuss this workshop further, email timc@awake.com.au

eDAY 2009 - Saturday 12th September, 9am-3pm only

Habitat for Humanity ReStore; 29 Bryant Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton

It’s a simple, free and effective way to dispose of your computer waste and old mobile phones in an environmentally sustainable way. All items will either be reused or recycled.
Who can drop off? Schools*, households, community organisations and small businesses (small means cars only, no trailers)

*Schools note that schools with more than 1 m3 can contact HP's Partner Recycling programme For more information email nzeducation@hp.com or call 0800 478 352.For free removal-


What can I bring? computer hardware • monitors• printers •scanners • keyboards • mice • computer speakers • laptops • toner and ink jet cartridges • games consoles • mobile phones • networking equipment
What won’t be accepted? televisions • stereos • photocopiers • furniture •DVD players, video recorders •other home appliances

 For more information visit http://www.hamilton.co.nz\ewaste Or http://www.eday.org.nz/

Job Opportunity

Love the Outdoors? Passionate about the Environment? Enjoy teaching kids? “Taste of Te Kauri” Programme Te Kauri Waikuku Trust is funded by the Ministry of Education to provide ‘learning experiences outside the classroom’ (LEOTC) to schools in Hamilton and the surrounding areas for the next three years. The Trust is seeking expressions of interest from suitably experienced people who would be keen to deliver LEOTC modules to schoolchildren, based around natural areas (gullies, parks, wetlands) close to their local schools. You don’t need to be a qualified teacher, but you do need to be knowledgeable about the natural environment and able to teach children about it in a fun, interesting, energetic and interactive way, while linking what they learn to the current curriculum for science and technology and other aspects such as sustainability. You also need to be a self-starter who can manage your own time, has your own transport, is outgoing and enthusiastic, and able to work on an ‘as needed’ basis.
If this sounds like you, email Te Kauri Waikuku Trust on info@tekauri.org.nz for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!

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