Waikato Environment Centre- Extra Opening Hours
Dear Environment Centre Supporters
The Waikato Environment Centre will be opening extra hours coming up to Christmas.
For the next three Saturdays we will be open 10am to 1pm.
Please come along and see our ever evolving shop face, and have a look at some of our new products … something a little different for Xmas presents !
To all Pukemokemokemoke Friends,
The Waikato University has a student researching the motivations behind volunteering work. You’ll see her letter below. She would like to interview you individually (duration up to 30 mins) or as part of a group (duration up to one hour) depending on your choice and convenience. With your permission, she would like to audio-tape the interview to allow her to obtain a good record of the conversation. If recording occurs, she will undertake to provide you with a transcript of the interview to check for accuracy and to approve use of your data. Interviews will take place at a location of mutual convenience.
Data collected during the study may be used in writing reports, publications or in presentations. The University teacher, Chris Eames and student Valerie Bianchi have made it clear that they will not use your name, the name of associated groups or the names of other participants in any publications or presentations. “We will make sure that we store all the information we gather from you securely.”
They go on to say, “We would appreciate your agreement to allow us to approach members of your group. If you need any more details about the project, or issues arise for you during the project, please contact us [Chris: c.eames@waikato.ac.nz, 07 838 435707 838 4357; Valerie: valeriebianchi@gmail.com, 0210696434]. If we are unable to resolve your concerns, you may contact our Director, Professor John Williams: jwilliam@waikato.ac.nz; 07 838 4035
07 838 4035.
I hope some of you will agree to this and I have invited Valerie to our next and final working bee for the year on December 20th at 1pm…….mainly assessing the year and enjoying a pre-Christmas afternoon tea together so I hope as many of you as possible can make it, at least for a couple of hours!! Please note however that Valerie would like to hear from you before the 8th December, or soon afterward.
Alan Leadley
Ph. 07-855291907-8552919
Mob: 0272249622
Email to volunteers:
Kia ora koutou,
My name is Valerie and I am a student at the University of Waikato and a fellow conservation volunteer. Over the summer, I am doing a Summer Research Scholarship with the University of Waikato. I am writing to invite you to participate in a research study aimed at exploring the motivations for people to become involved in an environmental community group. I hope the findings will help environmental community groups understand more how to recruit and retain members, and help environmental agencies (e.g. DoC) to work more effectively with those groups
For this project, I will be interviewing volunteers of community conservation projects. For this study, a volunteer is someone who does not receive monetary remuneration by the organization. I would like to invite you to participate in this study if you are a volunteer and do not hold any paid contracts with the Friends of the Pukemokemoke Bush Reserve. Participation in the research study is confidential. If you are interested to have a conversation about your volunteer experience (which should take about 30 minutes in person), please let me know through email (ValerieBianchi@gmail.com) or phone (021 0696434021 0696434). Ideally, I would like to complete this conversation before Christmas and so if you are interested please get back to me by Monday 8 December if you can, but I would be happy to hear from you any time up until Christmas.
Nga mihi,
Hamilton Organic Gardeners Meeting Reminder
The HOGs meeting this Saturday we'll be talking about growing salad greens, herbs and edible weeds for delicious and healthy summer salads, using in pesto etc. And sprouting micro greens and making smoothies. See you there on Saturday 6th December at 2:30pm.
We’ll meet at the Environment Centre at 242 Peachgrove Rd, near the Five Cross Roads roundabout, a few doors north of Burger Fuel. There is some parking on Peachgrove Rd and plenty behind the shops. You can enter through the back door.
The plant and produce swap table will be there so bring along your extra seedlings, produce, spare seeds etc. to swap :
You are welcome to sell plants etc. too
Light refreshments will be served.Gold coin entry, thanks
Happy gardening