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Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Food: Access, Availability and Affordability

Tune in to tomorrow's radio show

In this week’s Earth Matters show, we’ll be talking about food and, in particular, access and affordability. Sam will describe her visit to the wonderful Grandview Community Garden. Community gardens can make local food both accessible and affordable! Anna will highlight some of the ins and outs of the new food safety legislation and how this may affect local food. We also have some slow food on the conversation menu and some fun songs along the way. Tune in for our fortnightly show, Wednesdays at 5pm, or listen to the shows via the Free FM podcasts - http://www.freefm.org.nz/free-fm-on-demand

Come work with us

Exciting Opportunity for Eco-minded Retail Whizz

YOU could be Waikato Environment Centre’s next Eco Shop & Admin Star, if:

  • You’re passionate about helping people live more sustainably, minimising waste, and supporting local
  • You’re confident with accounts and administration
  • You have great communication skills, and love talking with people
  • You’re computer & internet savvy
  • You have attention to detail and great time management
  • You’re flexible, and happy to chip in with other tasks
  • You’re fit enough to lift boxes

Ideal - but not essential if you’re a quick learner:

  • Retail and stock control experience
  • MYOB experience
  • Knowledge of environmental issues or activities.

The role is currently 25 hours per week, Monday to Friday; job share may be possible.

For a full job description, or more information, please contact Sonia Fursdon, Manager at Waikato Environment Centre: sonia@envirocentre.org.nz, ph 07 839 4452.

Marvelous Mondays at WEC 

Composting and RESTORE Lake Rotoroa

We're starting a new thing at the Waikato Environment Centre. Every Monday we are making staff available to chat to people about sustainability topics. Each week there will be a focus on specific issues - starting next week with

  • Composting: Find out about how to turn your waste into food for a happy garden; and
  • Cut the crap - RESTORE Lake Rotoroa: How is birdlife impacting on water quality and how can we solve the problem?

Drop in between 12 and 2pm on Monday to find out more or ask any questions that you have been pondering.

Urban Design and Living - Workshop

When: Saturday, 26 November; 9am– 5pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton
Tutor: Antoinette van der Weerden

“Cities are sometimes not regarded the domain of permaculture but in this class we see how we can simply claim back space and turn our cities into human spaces once again.”

This urban design module focuses on our permaculture zones but increasing this scale across a city and region. The module will open your eyes and challenge your perception of what a city or town should look like. We will focus on where and how humans fit in today’s cities?

We will also look at how to retrofit a city to embrace our permaculture principles. How do we use these principles to create more liveable and connected cities. Reflect on water management, energy production and use, food production, social connection, transport, resource efficiency through sharing.

We will also visit Heidi Mardon’s sustainable house in Hamilton City, and will look at a range of strategies to reduce your ecological footprint using sustainable design and building projects.

Cost is $135 (Discount available for WEC members).

To find out more or book your place, contact Jan on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 07 839 4452.

Evolocity Workshop 

take an electric bike for a test drive

When: Saturday 19 November, 11am-1pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton
RSVP: By email: rob@evolocity.co.nz

Join Waikato Environment Centre, MeloYelo and electric bike expert Bruce McKenzie for a free workshop. Learn about the benefits of electric bikes; the pros and cons of buying a new electric bike versus convering your exising bike; evaluate whether your bike is suitable for converting to electric; what the conversion process involves and what tools you need; doing your own conversion, versus getting expert help; new electric bikes: an overview; Q&A; and test rides.

See https://www.facebook.com/EVolocityWaikato/?fref=ts

WEC AGM reminder

Please join us to celebrate the passing of another great year at the centre and to look forward to the future.

Our AGM is on Tuesday the 22nd of November, starting 5.30pm at the Waikato Environment Centre.

Drinks and nibbles are on us so to help us ensure there is enough to go around, please RSVP to admin@envirocentre.org.nz by 18 November.

There are a number of awesome people putting their hands up to join our already awesome board. If you are a member of the Waikato Environment Centre, then you will be eligible to vote at the AGM.

Contact Jan using the email address above to find out more about becoming a WEC member. Please join us in bringing our board into being for the following year!

The AGM agenda and trustee nomination form are attached below.

2016 AGM Agenda.pdf

WEC Trustee Nomination Form 2016.pdf

Green Drinks at WEC

When: Tuesday 13 December 3.30-7pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

It's hard to believe that another year has almost passed and that the silly season is almost upon us. To show our gratitude for your support and to celebrate another awesome year, you are invited to drop by the centre at any time between 3.30 and 7pm on 13 December to say hello and have a drink with us. Mark it in your diary now

Managing a house cow

Course on how to milk a house cow

When: 18-20 November 2016
See: http://www.lals.nz/managing-a-house-cow.html

Well it has been a spring like no other. Calving did not go as planned this year but things are finally getting settled.

Learn about the ins and outs of Managing a House Cow at a two day course this weekend - two places left.

Management, milking, butter, yoghurt and cheese making discussed and demonstrated during a social live-in weekend.

Bookings are essential - please contact Sheryn Clothier: 07 883 1898 or email s@corrugatedcreations.co.n

Level 2 foundation skills horticulture course

This course will contain aspects of horticulture, arboriculture and landscape construction.

Name: My career pathway - Fresh Green Start
Qualification: New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills Level 2
Where: Hamilton, Rotokauri Wintec campus
When: Starts 31 January 2017 for one semester and after that in July 2017 again
Entry criteria: open entry, but an interview is required to determine suitability
Fee: free fee

Students will complete credits to obtain NCEA Level 2 while doing this course

This course is intended for people without a qualification (or year 12 school students) that would like to work outside doing garden maintenance, planting and pruning trees, and building the structures needed in a garden, and that later on would like to progress to a higher qualification in arboriculture, horticulture or landscape design/construction.


Fresh Green Start is a hands-on, practical programme where students work with their classmates to build and create a food garden. The classroom is not confined to just a room, but a garden where we will be doing the building, planting and growing plants from seeds and cuttings.

Applicants do not need any qualifications, previous experience or skills for enrol in this course. We will show them how to do everything they need to do.


Friends of Waiwhakareke potting day

18 November

We will be potting at 172 West Rd on Friday 18th November from 9am to noon. We look forward to your help there. Bring morning tea and if you are unsure of anything ring me on 078558296 or email me at blchsmiths@gmail.com.

The last potting date for 2016 is 9th December

Community Fruit Hamilton

working with Tautoko Waikato and Hamilton Boys High School, Community Fruit Hamilton are holding the Christmas Bake Off on Sat 3 December in the Foodtech kitchen at the school.

Our goal is to make up treat boxes of baked goods which include choc chip biscuits, sugar cookies, peanut brittle, caramel corn and Christmas muffins.

We need volunteers to help on the day

Condensed milk for the biscuit recipe, choc chips or any other baking supplies (not sugar please, we have that), non-perishable Christmas themed food. Donations can be dropped off at the Waikato Environment Centre, Peachgrove Road, or sent in to HBHS with your son.

Sign up to help on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PickFruitHamilton/

Or contact Colleen 021 253 1526

Community Fruit Hamilton.pdf

Environmental Education Conference

Connecting with Nature

January 20-21, 2017
At Te Kauri Lodge, Oparau, Kawhia

Programme includes:

  • Hands-on sessions with experienced environmental educators, covering stream studies, forest ecology and forest restoration
  • Team challenge activities and environmental orienteering
  • Inspiring speakers
  • Local attractions including Te Kauri Lodge Museum.

See the attached for further information.

TK Conf flyer.pdf

Waikato Branch Forest and Bird Talk

Thursday 17th November

Kōkako Recovery update. John Innes, Wildlife Ecologist in the Biodiversity and Conservation Team at Landcare Research will tell us the latest from the national Kōkako Recovery programme. John’s research with North Island kōkako clarified key roles of ship rats and possums as decline agents, resulting in experimental management that recovered kōkako and spurred the development of ‘mainland islands’ for broader objectives.

John has been on the Kokako Recovery Group since its inception, as well as the kaki (black stilt) and kākāpō teams; has worked with dabchicks, black-billed gulls, kereru and tui, and has had a long interest in ship rats.

Bookings for dinner prior to the talk at 6.15 to Jane McLeod by 12th November $12.50 per person, phone 856 2505 jane.mcleod64@gmail.com

7.30 Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

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