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Posted 8 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Catch up on our radio show

If you missed this week's Earth Matters radio show, you can catch up by listening to the podacst on Free FM on Demand.

In this week's show, Sam spoke about the work of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) and focused on the Ecovillage Design Education and auditing a community for sustainability.The GEN envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing their own pathways to a sustainable future, and building bridges of hope and international solidarity.

You can also check out the GEN's website at http://gen.ecovillage.org

Waikato Botanical Society - Anniversary Weekend Trip

Whareorino Revisited (Combined with Rotorua Botanical Society)

Saturday 28th Jan – Mon 30 January 2017
Meet: Corner of Fraser Smith Road and Manganui Road, Awakino @ 11am 

Leader : Thomas Emmitt (WBS) temmitt@doc.govt.nz. or ph 07 878 1050 (wk), 07 280 7142 (hm) 0275405762 (mob)

Grade : Med-Hard

Accommodation: There is a shearers quarters available to stay in, there is enough room to sleep 8. If you would like to tent there is plenty of flat ground around the quarters to set up tents. Let me know your preference. Accommodation costs will be covered. The quarters have hot running water and a fridge freezer, bring your own cutlery, pots and pans etc., just in case.

Bring: Camping gear (including gas cooker as one stove might not be enough), sleeping bag, pillow, food, sturdy boots.

We will be visiting Awakino Scenic Reserve on the Saturday. Awakino Scenic Reserve is a hard beech forest with a coastal influence. On Sunday we will be taking a look around Stuart Russell Reserve, a Native Forest Restoration Trust Reserve which contains the most northern hard beech forest where hard beech is the dominant forest type and as well as a few coastal oddities. On Monday we will have a look around some recently protected wetlands on a local farm (this may change due to access and we may visit some coastal saltmarsh).

Please let me know of your intention to join by Thursday.

Any questions send me an email or give a call: Kerry Jones 027 747 0733.

NZAEE Waikato Meeting - help us design our next event!

When: 5 – 6 pm 31st January
Where: Waikato E​nvironment C​entre, Five Cross Roads Shopping Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton

At our AGM late last year we discussed hosting a climate change education forum related to the sea during Seaweek 2017 (25 Feb to 5 March). This forum would be aimed at educators to help them learn about climate change and how to educate about it. It was proposed to hold the forum at the Chartwell Room at the Hamilton Gardens on the evening of Thursday 2 March. The format may be a panel of speakers followed by small group workshops. Possible panellists and members who would approach were noted.

Come along and help plan what will be an exciting event. Kai provided. All welcome, RSVP would be appreciated: c.eames@waikato.ac.n

Waikato vegans' pot luck

When: Saturday 28 January at 1pm
Where: Hamilton Gardens, Rhododendron Lawn

It's a free, shared meal event, so bring your own picnic blanket or something to sit on, plates, cutlery, and of course your favourite vegan dish to share (i.e. no animal products: no meat, dairy, honey, or eggs). As this is a family event please don't bring alcohol.

You can join the Waikato Vegans Facebook group, for updates or questions.

Clothes Swap

When: Saturday, 4 March at 2pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Five Cross Roads, Hamilton

A clothes swap is a great way to recycle unwanted clothes (or that item that really is not ever going to fit, ever again) and update your wardrobe in a fun way. There are different ways to do it but we will keep it really simple and do a straight swap; not worrying about assigning values to items or putting a limit on how many items people can leave with but being considerate at the same time.

Bring 2 - 5 (or more) quality items that you are happy to see go to another home. Items can be clothes, shoes or accessories (jewellery, scarves, hats, belts etc). Items must be in good condition with no damage.

I know that size is a sensitive issue for some and you may not feel like you will be able to benefit from the swap but there are lots of clothes that are multi fit and with the inclusion of accessories. I'm sure there will be something for everyone.

How the swap works:

  1. When you arrive, put your items in the appropriate pile (small/medium/large, accessories)
  2. Once a few people have arrived and there is a fair selection of goodies we will all politely rummage through the piles. If you like it keep it, if you don't put it back on display.
  3. Be considerate with the number of items you take (give everyone a fair chance)
  4. Left over clothes will be donated to New Lives Rescue

The Choice is Ours - Free Screening Documentary

When: Wednesday 15 February, 7-9pm
Where: The Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Five Cross Roads, Hamilton

The Venus Project is organising a free screening of the movie The Choice is Ours. The Venus Project proposes an alternative vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know in order to achieve a sustainable new world civilization. It calls for a straightforward redesign of our culture in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but as totally unacceptable.

The screening of 'The Choice is Ours' is coordinated by Kevin Ma. Kevin is the Point of Contact for The Venus Project in New Zealand. Kevin came to know The Venus Project in 2012 after watching a documentary film called Paradise or Oblivion. The message in the film resonated with Kevin's beliefs so much, he felt compelled to do something to make the changes he wants to see in the world and he become a Point of Contact for The Venus Project.

Kevin would like to invite you to the screening of 'The Choice Is Ours'. This is an opportunity to explore together, with like minded people, a possible alternative future for our world.

Sustainability Coordinator vacancy

An exciting opportunity has arisen at the University, for a part time Sustainability Coordinator, 15 hours per week.

See the attached job advert below for more information.

Sustainability Coordinator Advert 2016.pdf

Back to School with BUSIT

Getting to Hamilton's high schools and intermediates is easy by bus.

With 28 routes crossing the city, most schools are either on a bus route or just a short walk away.

Child fares apply to children aged 5-14 and to year 9-13 students with approved school ID, or when in school uniform.

Whenever you travel in the city, you can transfer on to another bus for free, so long as it’s within an hour of buying your ticket.

Further information is available in the flyer attached below.

Getting there:

Explore the map to find out your easiest route to school. 

Or check out the Journey Planner, which provides door to door journey options and travel times.

BUSIT Back to School Flyer.pdf

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