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Mining Debate - tomorrow evening

Posted 14 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Engineers for Social Responsibility Waikato BOP Branch

 Tuesday 20 April 2010
Public Debate

“Mining New Zealand Heritage Areas
Should Our Generation Allow It?”

 This debate on the current Government mining policy has been requested by a number of people from a cross section of society.
Yet again our own Waikato University reveals its internationally recognised depth of expertise, in this case in knowledge of what and where NZ minerals are likely to be located and  their social and environmental heritage compared to short term use and long term economic values.

 Panel of speakers to provide an overview of the topic and contribute to the debate:

 We most warmly thank our academics for accepting our request to put forward their ample non-partisan research findings.

 Department of Earth Sciences Geologist, Dr. Roger Briggs, much in demand for his research findings, will tell us of New Zealand’s geological history, coupled to its actual and possible mineral resources. He will also provide examples of the results of past generations’ abstraction of such resources.

Law School Professor Al Gillespie, a leader in international environmental diplomacy, as shown by his legal and policy advisory roles for MFAT and DOC in addition to commissioned work for the UN and Commonwealth Secretariat along with commercial and NGOs in major countries. Al will provide the social and heritage part of the picture within which mining sits. His latest book “The illusion of progress; unsustainable development in international law” coupled with his 7 other published books and over 30 articles provide a rich basis for his presentation.

 We have invited our local members of parliament to present their party’s policies and commitments to the various vested interests along with costs and benefits to current and future generations of New Zealanders from areas carefully put aside as heritage areas by past generations and handed on for our period of stewardship.

 Green Party MP and Mining Spokesperson (Associate) Catherine Delahunty will participate.
Labour Party Senior Vice President Moira Coatsworth will participate.

 We have been advised that our Hamilton West and East MPs will not be released from Parliament to participate and the National Party cannot find a delegate to pick up the challenge.

 Prof. Frank Scrimgeour, our internationally recognised economist and ESR Branch Chairman will chair the evening.

5.30 – 6.00 pm  Networking
6.00 – 7.00 pm   Debate – 10 minute views and challenges from the panel members then the floor is open to all for questions and views. As with all ESR events audience members are welcome to carry on discussion after the chairman has called time at 7.00 pm!

 Venue: Room MSB 101, Waikato University Management School, Gate 7 Hillcrest Road Hamilton (The conference rooms are at the bottom of the stairs to the left of the building)

Norm Stannard Secretary ESRNZ Waikato Branch tel: 07-8556579
Frank Scrimgeour Chairman ESRNZ Waikato Branch tel: 07-8562889

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