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More action, funding, workshops

Posted 14 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Monday 29th March 
Waikato Trains NOW petition
9:30am – 10:15am

Hamilton (Frankton) Railway Station

The Campaign for Better Transport cordially invites you to the presentation of our Waikato Trains NOW petition. The petition calls for the introduction of a commuter rail service between Hamilton and Auckland.

This is now possibly the largest petition for a local Waikato issue for many years. Public support for a Hamilton to Auckland passenger train service has been high. The petition literally has thousands of signatures and is fast approaching 10,000.

Local Members of Parliament, local and regional councillors, the Mayor of Hamilton City have been invited to attend and briefly speak. MP Sue Moroney will be receiving the petition.

Petition Organiser: Jon Reeves
Email: jon.reeves@BetterTransport.org.nz
Telephone: 021 535 295
Jon Reeves
Waikato Trains NOW! Campaign Organiser

Envirofund Applications - closes March 31st

Groups can apply for up to $5,000 to fund a project and/or a particular aspect of a project. For some projects it may only be $500 that is needed to get the project off the ground. Whatever their size or scope, all projects are welcome provided they meet the fund’s criteria - see How to apply section, on Council's website www.hamilton.co.nz/Envirofund.
Note applications close 4.00pm 31 March 2010.

 If you are interested, please view the application information available online at www.hamilton.co.nz/Envirofund. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. Remember, applications close 4.00pm 31 March 2010!
Kevin Hogg
Sustainable Environment Team, HCC

2010 Green Home Workshop series

Retrofitting an existing home

This is the first of a series which will continue through the year. Improve the energy efficient performance of an existing home. Learn how to make your home warm, comfortable, healthy and energy efficient through insulation, ventilation, curtains, addressing condensation and other changes which mean big energy saving gains. You will also visit a home where you will put your ‘energy audit’ skills into practice.

Saturday May 1, 9:30-4pm, one day workshop, $20
Tuesday May 18, 6:30-9, evening workshop (second part on Materials May 25), $10


From the framing to exterior cladding to interior floors and wall claddings, you’ll learn about the issue of toxicity of products used in housing and the alternatives available for all aspects, inside and out. An important part of the materials consideration is the minimisation of waste during the build by incorporating it into the design stage.

Tuesday May 25, 6:30-9, evening workshop (first part about Retrofitting existing homes May 18), $10

Saturday August 8, 9:30-4pm, one day workshop, $20
Presented by Ian Mayes, Hamilton City Council’s Eco Design Advisor

All enquires to Megan Edmeades: megan@greenme.org.nz, 021 414 529





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