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Posted 9 years, 1 month ago    0 comments


Happy New Year! I have returned from the holidays feeling even more enthusiastic about living a more ethical lifestyle that is thoughtful of the world we inhabit. That means lots of resolutions about being more self-sufficient in the kitchen, learning new skills and producing less waste. I am sure that many of you have similar resolutions.

To help us with these resolutions, Waikato TimeBank will be running some fun, informal workshops.

The workshops will be run by TimeBankers for TimeBankers and will be limited in numbers to help the learning process and also because venues might restrict group sizes. If the workshops prove to be popular then we will repeat them for those who missed out.

Not in Timebank? No problem. It’s easy to join Waikato TimeBank. Sign up online or contact me using the email address above


"Cost" to attend: 1 TimeBank Credit

To register contact me, Sarah, at waikatotimebank@gmail.com





Seasons Greetings!

As there is so much to do at the nursery we will make an early start this year on 22nd January.

Our first potting morning will be on FRIDAY 22nd January at the Tamahere

Nursery (Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall) from

9am-12 noon. Don't forget your morning tea.

Look forward to seeing you then.

Thanks in anticipation,

Catherine Smith

blchsmiths@gmail.com or 07 855829607 8558296


22 January

19 February

18 March

15 April

13 May

10 June

15 July

19 August

16 September

14 October

18 November

9 December



Please find attached information on the Maungatautari Reserve Management Plan Review. The attached letter is our way of informing you as a key stakeholder of our intent to commence a review of this plan.

Individual members of the Forum may be very interested in Maungatautari, some may have enjoyed a historic association (volunteer or otherwise) and care to share their views / experiences / skills and knowledge with us.

Advertising via newspapers will commence late January as per the image below. We look forward to receiving any comments and working with interested persons over the upcoming months in drafting the plan.

Ngā mihi,

Demelza Murphy Reserve Planner Waipa District Council


Feedback letter to community with an interest in Maungatautari.pdf






I know it's the holiday season and you've probably all just settled back to contemplate some relaxation and celebratory eating, BUT if you can manage it sometime before January 15th, HCC is requesting some feedback on potential light-controlled pedestrian crossings.=

You may be startled to learn that I have some reservations about them, so I've outlined my arguments below, which I have sent to Ngaire Atmore in the City Transportation Unit at HCC. If you would like to go to this sitehttp://www.hamilton.govt.nz/our-services/transport/safetyaccessimprovementprogramme/Pages/default.aspx

you can see the site maps for the proposed crossings and also provide feedback.

While Living Streets is usually delighted to see a light-controlled crossing, the two proposed in this case seem among the least necessary in many ways. Oddly enough, the Heaphy Tce crossing has always seemed surprisingly safe - I think it is so busy, so narrow and therefore so threatening to drivers that they automatically slow down and look. It's possible that awful things have happened there that I'm unaware of, but I think it's far more important to get a controlled crossing (or another raised bed zebra crossing) on Boundary Rd (which really is dangerous), either near the roundabout (ie about equidistant from the roundabout with the existing lights on Fifth Ave) or at the Migrant Centre.

Similarly, the proposed crossing on Horsham Downs Rd doesn't address the real safety issue in that area, which is the roundabout. That area has already claimed a life or two, and there is a desperate need for real traffic calming measures. Rather than the cost of a single light-controlled crossing some distance down the least dangerous arm of the intersection, I would suggest the money be spent at the roundabout to install raised bed zebra crossings on all four arms, a small distance back from the actual roundabout - i.e., as has been done on Peachgrove Rd at Five Cross Roads. Those two raised bed crossings have made an enormous difference to the safety of crossing at Five Cross Rds roundabout, and the only problem is that they haven't been also provided on Boundary Rd and Brooklyn Rd.

Any constructive feedback you can provide is helpful, so if you can spare a few minutes, please go to the site and give your views (which may of course be completely different to mine!)

All the best for a safe and very happy holiday season.

Kind regards,





Today the Ministry launched a new consultation. This is on the new Marine Protected Areas Act. The document can be reached at the link below


Raewyn MacGregor – Analyst, Remediation Projects

Ministry for the Environment – Manatu Mo Te Taiao


NZ's current Marine Reserves Bill is more than 40 years old, and desperately out of date.

After promising an update for nearly 15 years, the Government has finally released a discussion draft - which does not include 96% of NZ oceans.

That's right. The entire Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is specifically left out of the draft legislation. Some extraordinary habitats and animals exist only in these deep seas and need certainty of protection. The only certainty offered in this document is to the oil, gas and mineral industries.

This may be the one chance in our lifetimes to create legislation that allows meaningful protection of our oceans. Let's make sure the Government gets it right.

We ask that you take some time from your day or evening to urge the Government to include the EEZ in their proposed Marine Protected Areas Act. Consider writing a letter by hand. It's often more effective, and postage is free.

You have until 5.00pm on 11 March 2016 to do so, but ... no time like the present! The discussion document and information on how to make a submission can be found by clicking on this link.  http://www.mfe.govt.nz/consultation/mpa

You can read Forest & Bird's media release here








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