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News and Events

Posted 10 years, 1 month ago    0 comments


Balloons Over Waikato

A second amazing Special Shape balloon is to attend the event in March.

Thanks to Resene whose support of the event allows us to bring the most wonderful, colourful balloons to New Zealand, and this year are proudly associated with the Resene Wild About Colour Ark. This balloon is one of the most interesting shapes we have had attend the event, and please read the attached release to learn more facts about this balloon.

Another perfect balloon to add to our ‘Flying With the Animals Theme for 2015.

Resene Wild about Colour Ark -2.pdf


Rethink the System with the Harre Sisters

The Harré Sisters do the North Island 1-28 February 2015





Hamilton Gardens Summer Festival

Check out our new poster for our event coming up in the Hamilton Gardens Summer Festival.

We have an addition to the program .Environmental story telling for children. The stories will be acted out in the cool shade of the building.

If you have been thinking about a course in flax weaving, here is your opportunity to be taught by a very experienced tutor for only $50

The class goes from 10 to 3 and you can register through this email address.Other workshops are free and you can drop in anytime to make seed bombs, learn to weave willow and make garden supports, all done to the melodious sounds of local musicians.

Cultivating Art-1.pdf

Koanga Gardens is doing a crowdfunder for their urban garden project. Here's the link



Dune Trust Annual Conference in Whitianga March 11th to 13th

University Of Waikato Sustainability Symposium- Research In Action Tuesday 24th February 8.45 am to 5.45 pm

A day long show case of sustainabilty related research and its impact on the wider community

Details attached, please register by Friday 20th February

Sustainabilty register.pdf

Google Grants course for NFP's In Hamilton













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