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Posted 9 years, 7 months ago    0 comments



We have Lots of FREE OFFICE DESKS and Partitions. A local business is moving and has asked Waikato Environment Centre to find homes for their office desks.

Email Jan   admin@envirocentre.org.nz

for sizes and some really bad pictures ! BE QUICK!!!




Waikato Environment Centre Ambassadors

The Waikato Environment Centre is a not for profit organisaiton dedicated to creating healthy environments and thriving communities. We are engaged in many different exciting activities including, Kaivolution food rescue, E-Cycling, coordinating the EnviroExpo at the Waikato Show and facilitating Sustainable Living Conversations. We desperately need several environmentally and community minded people to help us in our valuable work.

There are several different roles depending on the applicant’s strengths and interests. These include:-

• Assisting at evening workshops

• Providing information and assistance to members of the public in our retail store

• Promoting WEC at events and functions

• Presenting to small community groups about the work of WEC

• Assisting our Kaivolution Food Rescue driver

• Updating website

• Kaivolution Food sorter

If you would like to get involved and make a difference we would love to hear from you.

Please send in an expression of interest to:-

Ruth Seabright


Waikato Environment Centre



Families visiting the Te Miro Scenic Reserve, Gudex Memorial Park and neighbouring Maungakawa Scenic Reserve are being advised that from 17 August 2015 toxins will be laid in these areas in order to control rats and possums. This work is being carried out on behalf of the Waikato Regional Council as part of its Project Halo biodiversity enhancement programme. Rats are known to have a negative impact on native forest ecosystems by eating the eggs and chicks of native birds as well as restricting natural regeneration of the forest by eating seeds. Possums eat flowers and fruits as well as browsing the foliage of native trees.

Animal pest control contractors Epro Ltd will laying the toxins. Operation Controller Mike Reid said that a mixture of diphacinone and encapsulated cyanide will be used. Diphacinone is an anticoagulant toxin that is effective at controlling rats while cyanide capsules target possums. These toxins will be contained in plastic bait stations, bait bags and potato starch receptacles called Strikers. Toxin warning signs will be erected at all entry points. Under no circumstances should the toxic baits be touched.

A map showing the areas to be treated is available on the Te Miro School website. Mike Reid will be contacting residents of neighbouring properties over the coming weeks but can also be contacted at Epro Ltd’s Taupo Office on 07 378 485207 378 4852 extn 709. See map attached

Consult Map Te Miro Maungakawa 3 Aug 15.pdf




To help with grouping presentations, the programme committee have come up with these themes –

1. Systems thinking

2. Transformation

3. Overcoming challenges

4. Change through education

5. Futures thinking and innovation

6. Celebrating and agitating

7. Experiential learning

8. Collaboration and partnerships



Tuesday 22 September 9am to 5 pm

A Community action forum for whanau and friends includes Mike King as guest speaker see attachement

breaking silenceposter (1)-1.pdf

NATIONAL POETRY DAY 2015 will be celebrated on Friday 28th of August 2015.Hamilton City libraries along with co-hosts Poets Alive and Hamilton Slam Down will be holding to events to mark the day.


1. Join local poetry group, Poets Alive, at the Hamilton City Library for National Poetry Day 2015. People participating may perform two works each, either original or from another poet. Open to all members of the public. This is an opportunity to enjoy the written word out loud and have a go at poetry performance in a safe and supportive environment. We welcome people to register before hand but they can also join in at the event.

Location: Central Library, 9 Garden Place, Central Hamilton, Hamilton

Date/Times: Friday 28th of August 2015. 6- 7.30pm

Entry Details: Free entry, all ages welcome.


2. Join local spoken word group, Hamilton Slamdown Poetry and Te Ahuirei A Rangitahi Trust, at the Hamilton City Library for National Poetry Day 2015. The Spoken Word Slam is a competition for spoken word. There are two categories, Junior (young people aged 10 to 17 years, and Open. This is an opportunity to perform to a live audience. Participants may perform two original works. Open to the public. Registration is required and can be taken on the day. Prizes to the value of $200.00 to be won.

Location: Central Library, 9 Garden Place, Central Hamilton, Hamilton

Date/Times: Friday 28th of August 2015. 7.45- 9.45pm

Entry Details: Free entry, Two classes: Junior (10 to17yrs), and Open.

Further Info or to register: http://www.hamiltonlibraries.co.nz/, hamiltoncitylibraries@hcc.govt,nz, https://www.facebook.com/HamiltonCityLibraries




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