Hamilton Organic Gardeners are delighted to offer a workshop with Dee Pigneguy, author and writer for Organic NZ Soil and Health magazine
The workshop includes:
•Soup, nutritious and delicious, and rolls for lunch. Some of the plants we’ve been talking about will be used as ingredients.
•followed by a short field trip to Hana’s garden identifying weeds, useful plants, examples of mulching, compost, compost teas, fruit trees
Dee will have copies of her two books for sale "Gardening for planet earth" at a discounted price of $15 (normally $25) and "Grow me well" at $25 (normally $35).
Yes, the workshop is at the Environment Centre on Peachgrove Rd. We would like people to book in please, particularly for catering purposes. The field trip is a short distance from the EC at Hana and Marco's place at 28 Winter St.
We will be offering the option of GF bread rolls. If you would like GF, please mention it when you book in
Cost $10.
I am undertaking a PhD with the topic being
People, Planet and Consumption: Investigating young New Zealanders' environmental awareness and its impacts on their consumption practices.
If you are a New Zealand citizen aged between 18 and 28 years, I would like to invite you to participate in a research study to share your views and thoughts relating to sustainability, environmental challenges and how you think consumption might be a part of these issues.
My name is Jo Bailey and I am a Kiwi who lives in Hamilton, but undertaking a PhD research study through the University of Western Sydney.
This research has not been undertaken in New Zealand before and so if you are interested in participating by undertaking a short questionnaire, interview and/or participating in a focus group, then please contact me.
For further information on becoming involved in the research project please contact me at
jo@wilss.ac.nz 0274 398666 or on my website http://jo6565.wix.com/peopleplanetconsum
The rules
- Attempt to refuse single-use plastic during July.
- Remember it's not going to be easy! It is a challenge, not a competition so don't worry about being perfect.
- Collect any unavoidable single-use plastic you buy. Keep in a dilemma bag and share it with us at the end of the challenge.
- It's up to you regarding how long you participate. You might decide to go plastic-free for a day, a week, a month or longer! However long you choose will still make a contribution.
Hamilton City Council is developing concept plans for the future development of Mangaiti and Te Manatu Parks.
The first step in this process is seeking the ideas and input from of the community.
We would like to invite you to share your ideas for the parks.
Feedback will be used to develop draft concept plans. There will be an opportunity to give feedback on the draft plans once they have been developed. Concept plans will inform future reserve management plans for the parks.
You can do this until 19 June via Council's website – www.hamilton.govt.nz/parksplans
If you have any questions in regards to this process please contact Parks and Open Spaces Unit on 07 838 6622.
Join us for a walk in the Walter Scott Reserve, this coming Saturday June 13.
The Walter Scott Reserve, located south of Mt Pirongia on Pekanui Road, was gifted to the Waikato Branch of Forest and Bird in 1963 by Lilian Valder and her sister, who farmed on the slopes of Pirongia. The vegetation in the reserve consists of tawa-kamahi forest with pukatea, miro, king fern and the occasional hinau. There is a large kahikatea in the streambed of the Pekanui Stream which is estimated to be around 600 years old and some impressive pukatea on Valder walk. Birdlife in the area has flourished due to ongoing pest control & planting projects undertaken by the Waikato branch. This trip should be good for fungi as well, for those of us enthused about fungi after our recent Ganoderma search.
Meet: 9 am Landcare Research Carpark or 10 am at the reserve, 80 Scott Road
Grade: Easy
Contact: Mike Clearwater 07 854 725907 854 7259 or 021 203 2902
021 203 2902, please let me know if you are thinking of coming, and in case of cancellation
More information:Â http://waikatobotsoc.org.nz/?tribe_events=walter-scott-reserve
The Million Metres Streams Project is a non-profit project set up to restore the health of New Zealand waterways, metre by metre, stream by stream. Our aim is to reach a million metres, and we need your help.
Waikato Branch Annual Tree and Plant Sale
Saturday 4 July 2015 - 9 am to 1 pm
Venue: Hamilton Gardens, Camellia Carpark
Enter Gate 2 from Cobham Drive. A short distance down, on the left, is the entrance to a large sealed area, with room for buyers and sellers to park.
Everyone welcome: gardeners, lifestyle and small block holders, farmers, nurseries. You can buy, sell, look, talk trees, gardens and ask questions.
- The Waikato Branch of NZTCA will have a stall including heritage and unusual varieties of fruit and nut trees as well as staples for the home garden. There will be a good range of public stalls selling tree crops and plants, ornamentals, farm trees and natives, perennials, growing-on lines and produce.
Tree Crops Fundraiser for Trees in Schools
This year we are holding a Green Elephant stall and contributions will be gratefully accepted. Old garden books, cook books, useable old tools, plants, produce, etc.
Set up and sell from your car-boot, trailer, ute or pavement. There are no pre-allocated sites. This is a great way to sell any trees, seedlings, herbs, garden plants, gardening-related equipment or any excess produce. Sellers should be in place by 8.30 am. .Commission on Sales:
There are no site charges but a 10% commission on all sales is payable by sellers on the day. This money will be used for NZTCA projects in the Waikato Branch area.
We would appreciate if sellers could let us know they are coming: Beryl le Grove (Secretary of Waikato Branch) Ph: 07 829 3272 OR mobile 027 695 6229