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Dairy submission and Sustainable Management Fund

Posted 15 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Canterbury Dairy Farms

If you wish to make a submission on the resource consent applications by the dairy farming groups in Canterbury, near Omarama, make sure you get them in before 5pm  tomorrow

If you want information and help have a look on http://www.dave.co.nz/factory-farming/

You can do it online - there are three to fill in
Five Rivers  (5pm 18 Dec)

Southdown Holdings  (by 5pm 18th Dec )

Williamson  Holdings  (15 Jan 2010)

Keep in mind that the resource consent applications  are for discharge consents, not for the activity itself.

Ministry for the Environment’s Sustainable Management Fund (SMF) - 

funding round for the 2010/11 financial year will not proceed

The rationale behind this decision is based on two key factors:

  1. In addition, having administered these funds for a number of years, the Ministry has identified that more flexibility is required around management and allocation of funds and that there is a need to develop a consistent and stream-lined approach to funds administration.

2       Reallocation of funds:  It has come to the Ministry’s attention that there are some large nationally significant projects, with high environmental risks, that are in need of immediate financial assistance.  As a result the Ministry has decided to reallocate funds from the 2010/11 SMF funding round towards these projects which will have immediate and significant environmental outcomes. 

 SMF projects that were approved multi-year funding in previous funding rounds will continue to receive their funding.  The total commitment for these existing projects in 2010/11 is $1.0m.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is now available on the SMF website www.smf.govt.nz  If you have further questions that have not been answered please contact me.

There are a range of alternative funding options from other Government and non-government agencies also available on the SMF website www.smf.govt.nz.



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