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News Including Two Vacancies

Posted 8 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Tunes of Sustainability – Tuesday April 26th

What do ukuleles (and music in general) have to do with sustainability? Fun, celebration, building connections, reclaiming your cultural music…Come along and find out – and have some fun making music!

Waikato Sustainability Network – Tuesday the 26th of April 2016, 12-1.30pm at the Waikato Environment Centre

Alice Bulmer will bring plenty of spare ukuleles and chord charts. Beginners and experienced players are all welcome




Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board

This is a unique management role whose primary focus is to deliver the implementation of a resource management strategy, as it pertains to Taupo Waters and the Upper Waikato River. It will require strong relationships with Central and Local Government in the development of policies and legislation that impact on our resources. As such, the Manager will be expected to provide professional and technical advice and support to the organisation in the formulation of its strategies, policies and responses to the Crown.

Applications close 18 April.




This 0.6 position is currently being advertised. See the attached advertisement.

Applications close 19 April.

UOW vacancy.pdf

The RAP Workshop

Thursday 19th and Friday 20th May 2016

at the Western Community Centre –

46 Hyde ave, Hamilton

RAP is an application of the Circle of Courage model of positive

youth development described by Larry Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg

and Steve Van Bockern in their book Reclaiming Youth at Risk.

Please see attached

Rap Workshop - Hamilton (3).pdf

YWCA Hamilton and Shama Ignite Programme

19 to 22nd April

Details attached




Natural Step are putting on a mini-seminar next week aimed at people involved in sustainability and change, but of interest to busy people in general!

Have you ever wished you could clone yourself, or some of your team? Or wondered how you could be in two places at once? The truth is that driven people wanting to make a real difference often feel overloaded, and stretched thin like an elastic band. Can you even imagine how you'd get more done in less time, whilst actually feeling less stressed?

Of course, you can carry on doing things the way you've always done them. Or, in just 1.5 hours you could consider some new options. You'll listen as Jasmax and Kiwi Experience tell their stories of future-fit success in achieving what was previously thought improbable. And then watch as leadership-influence expert Daniel Batten shows us all how to use the same training techniques as professional athletes who, like you, want nothing less than gold. We're sure you'll want to stay longer for a drink, as the buzz of inspiration vibrates around a room full of your network and friends.

The FFTF format this year is for smaller, more intimate events - so places are limited. If you want to join us BOOK HERE




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