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Posted 9 years, 5 months ago    0 comments


21 September 2015, 4.30-6.30pm

New Zealand’s natural world is internationally renowned, but it is under significant threat from pests, climate change and the direct impacts of development activities such as farming, urbanisation and resource ex¬traction. Biodiversity decline continues; undue numbers of species of plants, birds and animals are vulnerable or endangered.

The speakers will address the need for strategic change and specific practical action. They will analyze particular innovative tools and approaches, and the special challenge of complex environments such as the coastal marine area.

See attachment

Biodiversity in Development - CEREL - poster - v2 - ff.pdf


Forum Day for local songsters

The organisers of the Waikato Biodiversity Forum, being held at Ngatira marae on the 31st October, are pleased to announce that Dame Malvina Major will be attending the event in her capacity as Patron of the Kōkako Recovery Group.

Moira Cursey, Forum coordinator, said that is wonderful that Dame Malvina is lending her support to the Mokaihaha Kōkako Recovery project, which involves the conservation of one of New Zealand’s leading avian songsters.

Few people know where Mokaihaha Ecological Area is, let along that it contains one of Department of Conservation’s top-rated kōkako populations in the North Island. Public access to this 2000ha South Waikato gem, just minutes east of Tokoroa, is limited through forestry operations in adjoining areas, but this may all change in the near future. To start this process, the Waikato Biodiversity Forum is running this day at the end of October to create awareness of this special place and its beautiful inhabitants, in conjunction with other members of a newly formed Mokaihaha Kōkako Recovery Group. The group is comprised of representation from local iwi, community groups, businesses and councils.

Kōkako became endangered throughout the North Island in recent years, through loss of habitat and the arrival of possums, rats and mustelids. But after a great deal of advocacy activity and pest control by groups and agencies, are thought to be recovering with over 1000 pairs in 2014.

A recent census to determine kōkako numbers in the area by Department of Conservation, principally in the 850 ha block previously under pest control, has confirmed a stable resident population. They were pleased to find that there are still at least 108 birds in the area, including over 40 pairs, despite a number of years with no pest control, and are hoping that this number will be increased by reducing animal predator populations in the area this breeding season. This population is particularly significant being genetically distinct, and so potentially will be important for increasing genetic diversity in other populations elsewhere.

The project is an exciting one for the local community, with potential for the public to experience the thrill of seeing these beautiful grey, blue and black birds, hearing their haunting long organ-like notes, and experiencing a walk through a large surviving block of native forest. It will also provide future opportunities for employment, commercial activities and tourism, through putting in walking tracks and providing information and interpretation.

Mokaihaha Forum Day (Free event): Ngatira Marae on Saturday 31 October.

To register your attendance please:

Email your details to Moira at m.cursey@xtra.co.nz

or phone Moira with your details on 027 222 3791 or 0800246348 by Friday 16th October.



Karioi Maunga ki te Moana is preparing to deploy another 300 stoat traps on the mountain, and we need your help! Either as an individual volunteer, or perhaps your school or group is looking for a team-building activity or a physical challenge. Work together to protect our biodiversity and see the vistas from Karioi Maunga!

Trap checking working bee @ Kristel’s house – Checking function of new traps. No tramping involved! Lunch/afternoon tea provided.

Weds Oct 14th 9am - 12 noon


Saturday Oct 17th 12pm - 3pm

Trap Deployment @ Karioi maunga – Volunteers will each carry one DOC 200 double-set trap up the mountain, so good fitness level is required. Working in teams, so sign-up as a group or individual. A great way to see a new face of Karioi if you’ve been up before! Expect to be busy for most of the day 8am - 3pm-ish.

Sunday November 8th

Sunday November 22nd

More dates to be set, including weekdays.

Traverse-line trapping - ongoing monthly - Seeking volunteers to check the Karioi Traverse line (main DOC walkway) - track from Ruapuke to halfway across the mountain (over the summit). 25 traps, takes around 4 - 5 hours. Must be done in pairs or small groups. Get in touch if you want to check this line as a regular volunteer or a one-off with your group.

Please enquire or register with Bexie: wordsbybexie@gmail.com or 0211634644



The Behavioural Science team at Opus Research Wellington is looking for participants for an upcoming cycling study (September 19th, back-up rain day on the 20th) which involves observing cyclist and driver behaviours in a natural context. This research will be used to help improve cycling-driver interactions and cyclist safety.

To participate, you need to:

· Be able to travel to Roto-o-rangi Road, Cambridge (Waipapa District).

· Be willing and fit enough to ride a bicycle on a flat, 8km course multiple times (with lots of breaks).

· If riding your own bicycle, be willing to have a measuring device attached to your bicycle (just like a carrier bag).

· If you don't think your bike would be suitable, be okay with using one of the bikes that we will have on site.

· Be available for up to 8 hours on the day (or 4 hours if you would prefer to come along for half the day).

· Provide a contact phone number so we can confirm details with you closer to the time

We very much appreciate all our participants and will give each a $50 voucher (or $30 for half a day) as a token of our appreciation. If interested, contact me directly by email (Jovana.balanovic@opus.co.nz) or phone (04-587-0630).

Many thanks,

The Opus Research Team



I am hosting a 3 day retreat in November; time away to connect with nature and get off that screen ;-)

Suitable for humans of all descriptions. As it is a prelaunch event for a new enterprise, it is discounted, and places are limited.

Please circulate the attached to anyone who you think may be interested.

Hey, even let me know what you think! Liana Stupples

021 154 6034

re wild.pdf


INVITATION - An Evening with Ruud Kleinpaste - Weds 23 Sept in TAUPO

- 'Bugs in the System - Connecting Kids with Nature in the Age of Technology'


If you want to be a member of Tui 2000 (and no pressure!!) the subs are due and have been kept at $10 for this financial year. There are a couple of options to pay. Thanks to those who have paid already and we value and appreciate your help with the Park even if you don't choose to be a member of Tui 2000 Inc.

1. Send a cheque to me at the 31 Fresian Place Hamilton 3200

2. Pay online into the Tui 2000 account 03 1555 0075967 00

Make sure you put your last name and the word "sub" as a reference.

Thanks everyone Cheers Moira



All welcome and help gratefully received

Please see attachments

Lake Rotomanuka -Planting Day Flyer- Sept 2015- Final 2.pdf
Lake Ruatuna Planting Day Flyer- Sept 2015- Final.pdf



The Hamilton Central Library will be having two events in recognition of our large Chinese community and to also help promote Chinese language week.

The first event is a presentation and display by traveling traditional Chinese artist Deyu Cheng. There will be a display of his work and the public will be given the opportunity to hear Cheng speak about his artwork. This event will be held on Level One of the Central Library on the 15th of September 2015 from 10:30 – 11:30am.

We have also been given the opportunity to hold a calligraphy workshop by the Hamilton Golden Arts Society for the public to join in. This event will also take place at the Hamilton Central Library on Level One at 10:30- 11:30am. The public will be able to write their names and a Chinese blessing.







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