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Posted 9 years, 3 months ago    0 comments


New scholarships aimed at getting more Pacific people into the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics have been announced by Pacific Peoples Minister Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga.

The Toloa Scholarships aim to encourage Pacific people to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects at tertiary level and ultimately increase the number of Pacific people in those fields.

Up to four Toloa Scholarships of $25,000 over three years each, funded by the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs, will be offered each year to first year undergraduate and postgraduate Pacific students studying STEM-related papers.

Successful applicants will also be offered an industry internship in the final year of study.

“There are not enough Pacific people working in these fields. It is important that this workforce reflects the make-up of our general population. Our government has recognised the need to encourage young Pacific people into these sectors. That is why these scholarships have been set up,” Mr Lotu-Iiga says.

The Toloa Scholarships are open to Pacific peoples who are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents and who are or will be enrolled in a STEM-related full-time degree or course at an approved NZQA accredited tertiary provider in New Zealand for the 2016 academic year.

The name of the scholarship, “Toloa”, derives from the Tongan name for the Southern Cross. Navigators used the Toloa constellation to determine south when travelling between the islands of the Tongan Archipelago and beyond.

Applications for next year open today and close on 11 December 2015. For more information go to: www.pacificstem.org.nz

Media contact: Lucy Bennett 021 811 564021 811 564



"What We Know, What We Say and What We Do: Poverty, Inequality and Ethical Decision-making"


By Bryan Bruce

Thursday November 26th at 6pm, at the University of Waikato LG 01.

Bryan Bruce is the internationally acclaimed documentary maker, of "The Investigator" series and award winning documentary on poverty in New Zealand "Mind the Gap"

Co-sponsors are: "Hamilton Quakers", "University of Waikato" and "Closing the Gap."

Booklets of the lecture will be on sale for $10 cash only.

Directions: Enter the university via Gate 1 Knighton Rd. Park on the right. Walk towards the Chapel and University Rec Centre. LG 01 is to the upper left of the Campus shops.

For further information and inquiries, please contact Saskia Schuitemaker, saskia.schuitemaker@gmail.com  telephone  mobile: 0223202900 or 5602521 or Neville Robertson, scorpio@waikato.ac.nz or phone 021408558.



There is a petition underway "Countdown Supermarkets Progressive Enterprises: Stop wrapping vegetables and fruit in plastic wrap and styrofoam.."

Here's the link:





Next meeting will be at their place at 2 Kitchener Street, Claudelands.

Apologies for the short notice ... such is life ... however, the timing is good to plant seedlings for summer veg - tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, sweet corn, basil, lettuce, beans - is between the 15th and 27th November (using the biodynamic moon calendar - in the descending period).

We can swap our spares, grow some new varieties of tomato etc. and no problem if you don't have plants to swap, koha welcome.

And share some good gardening tips - bring along 1 great vegetable-growing tip or question!

I have a bunch of Moneymaker tomatoes and San Marzano tomatoes,(see Kings seeds for more info) marigolds and other seedlings looking for homes. Does anyone want any Motherwort plants?

See the HOGs Facebook page for an interesting photo of a swarm. Please remember to like the page and posts :)

HOGs Facebook page:

I'll add a notice on there for the meeting too.

Happy Organic Gardening

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