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Opportunities to Give, Stroll, Bike and Participate!

Posted 9 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Give A Little for Kaivolution

Our first Kaivolution van has maxed out and we need another van and van driver to ensure that we can rescue all the good food that is available before it goes to the landfill.

With 60,000 kilos of food rescued since Kaivolutions inception in October last year, food donations are coming in thick and fast.Donations of food are also likely to increase in the spring when there is an abundance of delicious Waikato fruits and vegetables. Lots of food will be available for rescue right before the holiday period and we need another van so that we can collect it and redistribute it to those in need.

Another Kaivolution van and van driver will ensure that more good food is rescued. Rather than being discarded to landfill, all the food that Kaivolution rescues will feed those in need.

Click here to donate


Register Today for Healthy Rivers/ Wai Ora Open Stakeholder Workshop 

An important opportunity to learn about and provide their views on 
proposed changes to the Waikato Regional Plan to set in place a pathway and actions for the restoration of water quality in the Waikato and Waipa Rivers.
Today is the last day that people can register for the Open Stakeholder Workshop to be held at Mystery Creek on Tuesday 27th October. Visit the Healthy Rivers/Wai Ora website for more information and to register: http://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/healthyrivers/
There will also be a series of community workshops that people are welcome to come along to:
28 October - Tokoroa
29 October - Tuakau
5 November - Hamilton
10 November - Otorohanga
There will be two special workshops for the Environmental/NGO sectors at Hamilton Gardens on 30 October and 4 November.
Updated information on these will be sent out shortly.
People are welcome to contact Dave Campbell (davec@waikato.ac.nz) 07 855 7162, for more information. 

Biking Plan Project – Western Rail Trail public information day

Next week – Wednesday 21 October, 2pm-7pm, Waikato Hockey Association clubrooms, Innes Common.

One of the milestone projects in Hamilton City Council’s Biking Plan moves to the next stage with a public information day on for the Western Rail Trail next week.

The information day will be held at the Waikato Hockey Association clubrooms at Innes Common, from 2pm to 7pm on Wednesday 21 October. It will explain plans for the 2.7km shared path, due to be built by June of next year.

Click here for more information



Living Streets' Sunday strolls is happening this weekend

October 18, 2pm, starting at the Grandview Rd end of Western Heights Ave. Park in Western Heights Ave at the Grandview Rd end. The map is pasted below orJudy will also have copies with her on the day. Note from Judy - "please excuse the small twitch on the map in the middle of Smyth's Plantation - my fault entirely; the path just goes through in a nice smooth curve!" Contact Judy McDonald for more infromation -judy.c.mcdonald@gmail.com


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