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Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

"eZee Liv" Electric Bike - Available for Trial

Come play with the "eZee Liv" electric bike here at the Waikato Environment Centre (Level One, 25 Ward Street, Hamilton) on loan this week from More Mobility Hamilton (www.moremobilityhamilton.co.nz). Feel free to drop in to our offices between 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday this week to prod the bike and take it for a short spin. If you're already keen on buying an electric bike of this kind, then do contact Brian at More Moblity Hamilton.


Penny Farthing Expedition

In November 2011 Mr David Wilson ('The Judge') set out to ride the length of NZ on a ‘PIONEER SPIRIT’ 1880s-style, 54 inch high-wheeled penny farthing bicycle replica manufactured in Oamaru, wearing the breeches and knee high socks of the 1880-era cyclist, and carrying only one change of clothes.

We were fortunate to meet David as he stopped for a break this morning in Ward Street, Hamilton. David is travelling alone, relying on his own resources and the kindness of strangers for comfort.

We're impressed by David's enthusiasm for biking, and his sustainable approach towards resources in carrying out this massive journey. Details of his experiences are here:



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