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Posted 13 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Put your Green Card to work by presenting it at;

Poppie’s ‘My kind of bookshop’

Casabella Lane, off Barton Street, Hamilton

 Green Card holder discount: 10% off stock not already discounted

Poppie’s wide range of titles is admirable and this Christmas one of our favourite ‘green’ books is;

Green Urban Living, by Janet Luke

Janet Luke BLA, MRP (Hons) holds a Masters degree in Environmental and Resource Planning and is a qualified landscape architect. Her book details the art of “gurbing” or ‘Green Urban Living’ - a way of working with nature to create a productive urban garden. It might just be a worm-farm on an apartment balcony or some herbs in pots but the basic principles are the same. Traditional Kiwi backyard methods sit alongside modern concepts like recycling, organics, using water sustainably to grow food, and keeping chickens and bees in an urban environment. The book also includes handy hints from green community forums, and easy and original ideas - from planting a tree, to building a chicken tractor, a garden bug Hilton hotel, or growing lolly flowers for the kids to enjoy.

For more information about Janet Luke, her book Green Urban Living, and of course all the other titles in Poppie’s Christmas catalogue, visit Poppie’s website: http://poppiesqueenwood.circlesoft.net/catalog/36470-ChristmasBrochure

To become an individual member of the Waikato Environment Centre – or to renew your individual membership - and thus receive (amongst other good things) a Green Card offering discounts at over 25 local businesses within the Waikato, please visit our website: http://www.envirocentre.org.nz/register/



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