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Waiwhakareke working day, Coastal Clean-up, Permaculture Certificate, Organic Gardening, Maui's Dolphins Visual Petition

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Friday 17 February 2012 

Friends of Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park - weeding and sorting plants 

Tamahere Gully Nursery, Devine Road, Tamahere (next to Tamahere Primary School Hall)

9am -12noon

There is a lot to do! BYO morning tea and willing friends.
Queries: Maxine Fraser 07 8551968 or <forestgarden@xtra.co.nz>


Saturday 3 March 2012

Sustainable Coastlines’ Great Coromandel Coastal Clean-up

During last year's Great Coromandel Coastal Clean-up nearly 2 shipping containers of rubbish were removed from around Coromandel Town. This year both sides of the Peninsula are involved. 
Volunteers and boat-owners are invited to show up at the following locations between 10am - 2pm Saturday 3 March 2012;

  • In Coromandel Town at Long Bay (look for blue flags and big black converted shipping container: the Sustainable Coastlines Education Station).
  • In Whangamata or Pauanui at the Surf Life Saving Clubs
  • at the Whitianga Wharf
  • or in Thames at Kuranui Bay Reserve

Clean-up equipment provided.
To register go to www.sustainablecoastlines.org or contact Ryley Webster 021 040 9014 or ryley@sustainablecoastlines.org

If you wish to use your boat during the cleanup, contact Sam Judd sam@sustainablecoastlines.org or 021 058 9349.

Money donations can be made at www.sustainablecoastlines.org

Free outdoor movie-screening 7.30pm Friday 2 March 2012 at Long Bay, just north of Coromandel Town. BYO picnic and deck chair. Saturday 3 March 2012 afternoon live music and a gold coin donation BBQ – a great chance to get together and celebrate the effort.


2012 Modular Permaculture Design Certificate

Run over 12 weekends throughout 2012, the modules will be held at a variety of sites throughout the Waikato enabling participants to view different levels of permaculture in practice. 

Participants wishing to complete the Certificate must attend the first module at the beginning of the course but can complete the Certificate over 2 years and attend modules in other regions. It is also possible to partake as a part-time participant without receiving the Certificate.

Full details attached.

2012 pamphlet.doc

Contact :Hamilton Permaculture Trust 07 834 2249, 0211390935 or permaham@actrix.co.nzwww.hamiltonpermaculture.org


Organic Gardening Course

Presented by Hamilton Permaculture Trust
Tuesday mornings 6, 13, 20, and 27 March 2012, 10am – 12am

Some topics covered:

  • Requirements for a vegetable garden
  • Composting & worm farming
  • Natural pest & disease control
  • Companion  & rotational planting
  • No-dig gardening & mulching
  • Seed saving

Bookings: phone Waimarie Community House 07 858 3453
FEE: $40


"Lets Face It" Visual Petition campaign for  Maui's Dolphins
and help wanted with website

VP (“visual petition’) is a photograph of a human participant with an image of a cetacean.

Peggy Oki (Origami Whales Project Founder and Director) is coordinating a VP campaign for Maui's Dolphins and aims to expand her VP into a large scale nationwide/international effort. This link gives an idea of how Peggy envisages her VP banner could look: http://www.visualpetition.com/slippages/petitionwall.php

Peggy also created Facebook group "Hector's & Maui's SOS".

Peggy is seeking help from someone with web tech skills to set up a site that will accommodate the VP campaign images. Contact Peggy via e-mail: <peggyo@peggy-oki.com>

 Previous examples of Peggy’s work:





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