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Kiwi Conservation Club Trips, Seed and Seedling Swap, 2012 Volunteer Excellence Award nominations

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Kiwi Conservation Club (KCC) is Forest and Bird's junior club for children of all ages

New members always welcome


KCC trips are organised monthly.  Upcoming trips:

Raglan – Wainui Reserve Walk and Bush Safety Talk (easy)

Sunday 26 February 2012, 10am

Di Farrell, Raglan resident and recent addition to the KCC coordination team, leads us on a gentle walk in the Wainui Reserve.  Friends of Wainui have done a lot of work to transform this part of the Wainui Valley from farmland to regenerating native bush. Di will meet us at the Friends of Wainui Bush Reserve car park at 10:30am. Pam Bovill, another Raglan resident and long time Mountain Safety Council member will talk about bush safety. Then we will set off along the Bush to Beach track (approximately 40 minutes, fairly easy going), making our way across the stream, through the bush reserve and across the ridge, before descending the walkway over the dunes to the beach. You'll have time to dip your toes and build castles in the sand before heading back to the cars for a picnic lunch. The rest of the day is yours, with other walking tracks to enjoy and the sea perfect for swimming.

For more information go to http://raglan.gen.nz/about-raglan/wainui-reserve/

Directions from Raglan: Down Wainui Road, past Poihakena Marae and Kereopa Drive, both on the right. Friends of Wainui Bush Reserve car park is approximately 500m beyond Kereopa Drive.

Contact Susan Baucke 07 829 8977 or 021 254 1360 regarding attendance and carpooling.


Tiritirimatangi Island – Day Trip (easy)

Sunday 25 March 2012

Tiritiri Matangi is one of New Zealand’s most important and exciting conservation projects: an island wildlife sanctuary 4km off the tip of the Whangaparaoa Penninsula. The island was stripped almost bare of native bush during a century and a quarter of farming. Now, thanks to the tireless efforts of volunteers, who between 1984 and 1994 planted something in the order of 300,000 native trees, 60% of the island is forested.

The island is accessed by ferry from Gulf Harbour Marina (Pier Z) at 9:45am.  Free parking available at the marina. Ferry bookings must be made direct to 360 Discovery Cruises - http://www.360discovery.co.nz/timetables-fares/tiritiri-matangi-island-timetable.php or 0800 360 3472.

Gulf Harbour Marina is about a one hour drive north of Auckland at the end of the Whangaparaoa Penninsula, meaning an early start from Hamilton.

Some attendees are staying Saturday night at the F&B Tai Haruru Lodge at Piha - http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/what-we-do/lodges/tai-haruru-lodge for details if you'd like to join them.

On Tiritiri Matangi we will be met by a DoC ranger for a compulsory briefing before setting out on one of the recommended circular tracks (duration 2 hours). This takes in Hobbs Beach, the Hobbs Track, the Lighthouse and the Wattle Track before returning to the Wharf for lunch.

NOTE: No food is available for purchase on the island.  Tracks are either hard surface, grass or boardwalks, with many wooden steps. If bringing a pushchair be prepared to do a bit of lifting.

After lunch the time is your own to further explore the island, making sure you’re back at the Wharf to catch the return ferry at 3:30pm (arriving back at Gulf Harbour marina approximately 4pm).

More information go to http://www.tiritirimatangi.org.nz/

Contact Susan Baucke 07 829 8977 or 021 254 1360 regarding attendance and carpooling.


Seed and Seedling Swap

7.30-8pm, Wednesday 22 February 2012

Raumati Room, Waimarie Community Centre, 53 Wellington Street, Hamilton East, Hamilton

WIC and HUG are having a seed and seedling swap!  For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/301085409950123/

All welcome!


 Volunteering Waikato’s 2012 Volunteer Excellence Award nominations

Open Thursday 1 March 2012

Deadline Monday 16 April 2012

A wonderful opportunity for the community to come together to recognise the contribution and achievements of outstanding volunteers. You can nominate;

  • Individual volunteers, including a category for Youth volunteers
  • Teams (e.g. project teams) - maybe your Board of Trustees, or a group of volunteers carrying out a vital function within your organisation.

Any community organisation in the Waikato region can nominate (you need not be a member of Volunteering Waikato).

To nominate, obtain forms from www.volunteeringwaikato.org.nz or request one by email admin@volunteeeringwaikato.org.nz, or phone 07 839 3193 and Liddy will post nomination forms to you.

From Thursday 1 March 2012 nominations can be completed online (without needing to fill in paper forms) at www.volunteeringwaikato.org.nz.

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