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Radio NZ Actions Thursday 25th and Rescued exhibition

Posted 14 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Radio NZ Actions Thursday 25 March

If Radio New Zealand is a valued part of your life, do join us at a congenial gathering to show support for this national treasure which is threatened with reduced funding.

12.30 - 1pm  Garden Place   (outside Central Library)
There are plenty of tables and chairs so bring along a transistor and a sandwich, if you wish. Please pass on this email to others who may be supportive.
You may also like to:

* sign the e-petition at www.handsoffradionz.co.nz <http://www.handsoffradionz.co.nz>

* join the Facebook page Save Radio New Zealand which now has 19,000+ fans

* Write or email the Minister of Broadcasting, local MPs, Prime Minister

 Daphne Bell phone 854 5555 mob 021 341 76

 Also on Thursday:

Come and join us on Thursday 25th March at 5.30pm in the Hall at 34 Harwood St for an informed discussion on the proposed funding cuts to Radio NZ. What would the cuts mean to us as community members? Why are the cuts being proposed?

Cr Daphne Bell will be our guest speaker on this topic and there will be an informal question and answer time and the chance for more discussion.


An exhibition showcasing art works created by local artists using “recycled or found objects” will soon go on display at ArtsPost. Displayed at ArtsPost Chartwell Gallery from 1 April-3 May 2010, ‘Rescued’ will showcase innovative and surprising works, from the quirky to the functional, created from recycled, repurposed, salvaged materials and found objects in mixed media work. Amongst the materials will be wood, textiles, metal, glass, plastic and seaweed.

Rescued is the brainchild of ArtsPost retail co-ordinator Marion Manson, who said she “had a vision of curating an exhibition of works using recycled materials”. “This exhibition will raise questions concerning want versus need, and will highlight the overabundance of choice and manmade products in a commercial society and the waste it produces,” she said.
“It will promote recycling and make viewers rethink what they throw away. Hopefully it will inspire them to make use of waste that they would normally overlook and look at sustainable ways of living.”

Ten established and emerging artists from throughout the greater Waikato will showcase their work in the exhibition, including Hamilton artists Marti Wong, Nancy

Caiger, David Lloyd and Shelley Norton; Raglan artists Chris Meek and Rob Kear; Tim Holman of Coromandel; Julie McDonnell of Taupo; Heather Olesen of Morrinsville; and Di Jeffries of Otorohanga…




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