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Urgent - Save the chooks

Posted 16 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Kentucky Meadows poultry farm is closing.

They have been supplying Village Organics in Frankton with their free range eggs but the costs don't make it viable. They haven't been using chemicals for the last 3 years. They're selling off all their chickens which are 9 - 20 months old for $3-5 each. If they don't sell them unfortunately they'll be given the chop on Saturday. They also have feed for sale at 70 cents a kilo. If you'd like to buy some chickens their address is 61 Kentucky Rd, RD 2 Cambridge. Kentucky road is opposite Becks Nursery. Their work number is 8235061 and home number 8232639.
They'll be there on Friday otherwise there'll be an honesty box there.

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