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SBN Green Drinks February

Posted 12 years ago    0 comments

The first Waikato Green Drinks for 2013 – don’t miss it!

5 - 7pm February 27th - Greendrinks - at BDO Chartered Accountants

(please email jenny@sustainable.org.nz at SBN to register to attend, not the Waikato Environment Centre)

Come and meet the team at BDO in Hamilton and find out about

· The paperless office…. yes accountants can eventually become paperless.

· Engaging businesses and community organisations to create a more sustainable environment.

· Family business. Find out how small SME businesses in New Zealand deal with succession planning and with family dynamics.

This programme covers a variety of areas and is designed to be interactive with all the participants. BDO is the fifth largest firm of Chartered Accountants worldwide, employing over 57,000 people around the world. The intellectual property developed by this group has been applied successfully in Hamilton and other centres around the country and is tailored to meet our local community needs

When: 5.00pm to 7.00pm Tuesday 19th February 27th February

Where: BDO Hamilton, BDO Building, 1026 Victoria Street, Hamilton

Refreshments provided courtesy of your host, BDO Thanks to Bernard and his team!
To register to attend, please email jenny@sustainable.org.nz

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