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Free Trade roundtable and BNZ volunteers

Posted 15 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

"Free Trade is [not] Fair Trade" Thursday 24th September

 The Post Graduate Programme in Social Enterprise at the Waikato Management School of the University of Waikato, together with SIFE, an extra-curricular student run organisation is hosting a roundtable discussion regarding free trade: "Free Trade is [not] Fair Trade" and we would like to cordially invite you along to this event.

 Thursday 24 September at the Waikato Management School in MSB4.02 beginning at 1.30pm and will formally conclude with afternoon tea and mingling, kindly provided by Trade Aid, at 3pm.

RSVP to SIFE by 21st September sife@waikato.ac.nz

 The discussion panel and guest speakers will include Barry Coates, CEO of Oxfam New Zealand; Wayne Walford, Waikato Chamber of Commerce; Fiona Hurd, a PHD candidate in the Post Graduate Programme in Social Enterprise at the University of Waikato; and students from local high schools. These guests will present their view on the topic and the floor will be open for discussion about free and fair trade.

Barry Coates visit.pdf

Closed For Good (BNZ community initiative) - do you know any projects that need some help?

On 4 November we're literally going to close the Bank for the day, to allow as many of our people as possible to get out and support our local communities.
Closed for Good is a unique way for NZ communities to get free help with projects that are nominated by our communities. Between now and 27 September, we're asking for ideas about projects that we can help with on the day. You don't need to be a BNZ customer to have a project selected - it just needs to be something that helps your community to be better off.

On the day, we'll be working in teams of all sizes, on projects all over NZ. So - if you have a project that you'd like your local BNZ team to help out with, then let us know. Check out the website and make a submission!


Celia Eggleston
Organisational Development Consultant
DDI: 09 976 5051 (x65051)
Fax: 09 375 1277
Mobile: 029 409 0050




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