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Sign this protest

Posted 11 years, 10 months ago    1 comment

Normally the Waikato Environment Centre does not send on messages about signing protests - this is something most of us do independently anyway,  but the latest gem from the government seems so undemocratic and even unlawful that this time I urge you to sign this one and contact your local MP to express your dismay.

It is not just the content of what they are trying to push through but the way it is being done, see today's article in the NZ Herald or go to the Greenpeace form and sign. Most legislation goes to select committees, is up for consultation etc but not this one.

To quote Sir Geoffrey Palmer , "It seems to me there's a certain pattern turning up here of rapid legislation that has been ill-considered" (including the RMA reform and Crown Minerals Act)

All of which are working towards degrading the environmental protections we have at present.



Lyn Dallison
11 years, 10 months ago
The Government is setting a very dangerous precedent with this proposed legislation.
Time to be more considered!

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