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Sustainability Panel members called for

Posted 11 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

16 August 2013

Hamilton City Council is calling for expressions of interest for members of a new panel to oversee city-wide efforts to become more sustainable.

In 2012, Council adopted the Sustainable Hamilton Strategy, which focuses on the vision of “changing the way we live for a better future”. The strategy prioritises care for the natural environment, leadership and collaboration among the city’s largest organisations, and engaging the city’s businesses and residents in efforts to reduce waste, energy use and our impact on our city’s environment.

Aaron Fleming, Council’s Strategy and Research Manager, says Council is now asking for people with technical expertise to join a Sustainability Panel to provide advice, and critique work streams, stemming from the strategy on an annual basis.

“With the strategy being delivered through a partnership model and with a sustainable city being the long term goal, having an independent group assessing the work coming out of the strategy is important to ensure the actions are delivering real, tangible benefits for the city,” Mr Fleming says. “Ideally, the panel will comprise between three and five people with expertise in natural systems, community resilience, economy and business processes, the role of Tainui, and how these various areas are connected.”

Mr Fleming says people interested in joining the panel should provide a CV, via email, to raewyn.napier@hcc.govt.nz.  Expressions of interest will be considered by Council Chief Executive Barry Harris and other recognised national experts in sustainability issues.

Expressions of interest close on 1 September. More information about the Panel, including a Terms of Reference, can be found online


Aaron Fleming
Strategy and Research Manager
Tel (Direct):07 838 6483
Email: aaron.fleming@hcc.govt.nz

Jeff Neems
Communication Advisor
Tel (Direct):07 838 6509
Mobile: 021 818 564








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