PLASTIC FREE JULY ! Get Ready! Lets start with a POT LUCK TEA IN JUNE
Ecostore Bulk Dishwash Liquid now available for dispensing in store. Bring your own container and fill up!
LIVING STREETS meeting for May will be this Thursday, May 28, 5.30pm at 29 Claude St
Secondly a reminder for those of you who would like to be involved in consultation that submissions on New Zealand's Climate Change Target are due by June 3. This is a very important piece of consultation and there are direct links to things that concern many people who are interested in alternative transport. If we could change NZ's focus away from road building and towards effective public transport and the use of cycling and walking, we would be taking a step in the right direction (so to speak). The discussion document and submission details are available via
and if you would like a quick, pre-prepared submission which you can also personalise as you wish, try here:
There are many other aspects besides transport issues involved in this country's policies on addressing climate change, and you may want to have your say on those as well.
Saturday 6 June 2015 - We will be planting. Please try and come to this working bee as we need every pair of hands we can get for planting.
9am - midday
Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.
Bring a spade and wear your gumboots as it maybe wet in the area we're planting. Best to bring gloves to wear and most importantly morning tea.
It would really help us a lot with planning the amount plants to have at the Park on the 6th if you could RSVP by Wednesday 3 June if you're planning to attend. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning.
Cheers Moira Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke
In the Soil and Health magazine the days in June they've recommended for planting garlic are 6th June and 15th June. They use the biodynamic moon calendar. They also recommend: "Leave the tip of the clove above the soil level. They don't like to be buried too deep.
A ROCHA TREE PLANTING DAY for a Waikato farmer.
Hamilton meeting place: 8 am Hillcrest Chapel car park, 120 Masters Ave., Hillcrest
Interested? Please contact Richard Storey for more information: (ph 027 366 0481027 366 0481 or 07 856 3241
07 856 3241).