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Forest and Bird Waikato Branch November Events

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Sunday, 11 November

Tawarau Forest Walk
Walk to Double Falls, Tawarau Forest

These beautiful falls are reached from Appletree Road in the Tawarau Forest. The track follows a forested ridge before descending steeply to a secluded rocky gorge of the Tawarau River. We will explore limestone bluffs and caverns and note special plants of kaast landscapes. It is a great spot for a picnic lunch.

Meet at Waitomo Caves Discovery Centre at 9am. (Note - there is no fuel at Waitomo.) From here it is approximately 20mins drive to the start of the track. If you would like a ride or can offer to take someone, please phone Jane on 8562505.

The walk is average with some more difficult parts.

Wednesday, 14 November

Forest and Bird Evening Talk
Pest fish and native fish in NZ fresh waters

7.30pm Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

Adam Daniel (NIWA) will give a brief history of pest fish in New Zealand and the ongoing threats of the intentional spread of invasive fish. Also, the impacts of pest fish and how the agricultural industry may be improving pest fish habitat. The University of Waikato has been removing pest fish from Waikato Lakes and implementing some innovative pest fish control measures that will be discussed.

Bruno David (WRC) will give an overview of NZ's unique and highly endemic fish fauna and discuss threats that have led to 2/3 of these species currently being ranked as 'declining' or worse. He will also discuss some new techniques and basic tools being developed to help better understand the complex life history and recruitment patterns to improve existing populations. Video clips and photos will showcase some of the amazing physical and behavioural qualities that have evolved in our fauna but that appear to be largely unknown by the general public.

To join the speakers, committee and members for a meal ($12.50 per head at 6.15pm) before the talk, please email: jane.mcleod64@gmail.com by 10th November.




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