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Tree meeting tonight 7pm

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

ENVIRONMENT CENTRE - Ward St (opposite Air New Zealand - upstairs ) Monday 13th OCTOBER at 7.00pm

To discuss a plan of action regarding the Seddon Rd Plane Tree that is being proposed to be removed for the V8 Race.

Please forward this email to anyone you think maybe interested in attending as we need to have a discussion on an action plan to prevent this tree being removed as it seems from reading the email from Councillor O'Leary that a notified consent is to go ahead.

Below is a copy of part of an email sent from Angela O'Leary to Penny Pollard, who also wants to save the tree -

Here's an update of where it's all at presently:
* There is a recommendation from the independent commissioner Mr Peter Stubbs for removal of the tree and this went to Council for consideration
* Council then made the decision that if the tree was going to be a notified consent then that way the public would be able to be fully consulted on the issue and could submit their support or opposition. If it wasn't a notified consent then Council would have had to have made a full decision... without consultation with the public.
* There is a memo coming to Council soon that will formally tell us that it will be a fully notified consent

So that's good news for you!

There is no decision to remove the tree because it has to be fully notified and has to go through the process of public submissions.

At this stage I haven't been told of when the submissions will be accepted or who will hear them but as soon as I have more information for you I will let you know.

Kind regards



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