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Trustee Vacancies

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Here's an opportunity to contribute your governance skills & experience to our growing, dynamic organisation, making a real difference to the environment and our community.

At our AGM in November this year, The Waikato Environment Centre Trust will have 3 trustee vacancies. As well as governance and environmental sector knowledge, to strenghten our organisation we're particularly looking for people with experience in the areas of

  • logistics
  • risk management
  • finance
  • PR/communications
  • leading an organisation experiencing growth.

For more about the role, and to make an expression of interest, please check out our listing on Appoint: https://www.appointbetterboards.co.nz/find-a-board-position/APT8531

or email our Chairperson, Pamela Storey, pamelastoreynz@gmail.com

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