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Volunteers wanted

Posted 16 years ago    0 comments

Hi there,
The Environment Centre is needing a few volunteers. If you can help please contact Katherine at the centre, or phone 839 4452.

1. Community Radio presenters for Environment Matters

We have a community radio slot, Wednesday 5 - 6, for which we need presenters. This is a chance to showcase your group, promote environmental issues. Training is given and it is not too difficult, and good experience. If there are no offers the show will stop.

2. Saturday February 28th  - Good Life Expo - Hamilton Gardens Festival
I need some help on the Environment Centre stand. This is a fun day, just talking to the public, handing out info, some composting knowledge an advantage, but not essential

3. Thursday March 26th
Helper wanted at our Community Group Expo which is on from 10 - 4. We need someone with a valid license, and is happy meeting and greeting and helping attendees.

4.  Thursday March 26th
Balloons on the Waikato - Dawn Patrol - Hamilton Lake

I need some helpers to be up early in the morning to give out potato plates at the breakfast and monitor our organic waste bins. Again a fun event, get a free breakfast and usually some leftovers. See the balloons taking off.
Anyone welcome, all ages!

5. Saturday March 28th evening - Earth Hour

The Environment Centre will have our energy glowworm at the afternoon as part of the build up to Earth Hour which will be on at 8.30, and at the Night glow (before 8.30)- we need some young bods who would love to be in the costume to hand out information. No talking required. Need a few as it gets quite hot in there. You need to be average height and build.

Thanks, Katherine

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