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This Thursday - 23rd April 2015

7.30pm Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens , following the AGM.

Rod Morris, natural history photographer, and film-maker from Dunedin will talk about the legendary Don Merton and his battle against the odds to save species such as saddleback, black robin and kakapo. The talk will be illustrated with many of Don’s own photographs.

Through the 1970s Rod worked for the NZ Wildlife Service and for much of that time he worked under the the legendary Don Merton, who was battling to save some of our most endangered bird species.

It is the early experiences under Don Merton’s leadership that Rod draws on for this talk.

Don died on April 10th 2011, and many now regard the growing numbers of saddleback, black robin and kakapo he left behind as his legacy to us, but did he leave something else as well?

At a time in our history when the old problems faced by the Wildlife Service appear to be resurfacing again under the current Government - a ‘difficult’ economic climate, the withdrawal of government support for conservation, and the lack of any political will to tackle environmental issues, does Don Merton’s work once again provide the blueprint to chart a way forward?

>From 1980, for nearly 25 years, Rod went on to make wildlife documentaries for NHNZ, several of which focussed on the work of Don Merton.

Rod continues to advocate Don Merton’s legacy and relevance in conservation today.

Everyone welcome. Supper provided.





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