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Reminder! Waikato Environment Centre AGM 28th May

Posted 11 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Environment Centre Annual General Meeting

Come and support your Environment Centre!

AGM on Tuesday 28th May in the Waikato Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton.

5.30pm  Drinks and nibbles
6pm AGM 

The speaker will be Nandor Tanczos

Nandor will  reflect on the outcomes from the organic waste project in the CBD which the Environment Centre undertook last year with funding from Hamilton City Council and Wel Energy Trust.
Come and hear about this project, and what is coming up in the future. 

Please find attached the invitation with agenda, and a nomination form for trustees.

Please RSVP by the 25th May both for catering purposes,  and return of nomination forms. 
For more information regarding becoming a trustee of the Trust, please contact Katherine Hay 839 4452 or katherine@envirocentre.org.nz 


Invitation 2013.doc

nomination 13.doc

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