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Waikato Show EnviroExpo 2013 - help

Posted 12 years ago    0 comments

Hi there,

As many of you know the Waikato Show is happening again 26 - 28th April at the Claudelands Event Centre. We have an even larger space than last time.

Can you help with any of the following?

1. Plantslarge plants in pots which are movable and you would be happy to lend for a few days, preferably natives or food-producing for people or birds.

We have the Maori Women's Welfare group coming who will be doing all sorts of weaving and rongoa talks, so flax bushes would be especially welcome, and rongoa plants such as kawakawa. We can get large buckets to put them in if you are digging some flax out. They will be watered over the three days.

If you are thinking of pruning a large tree or getting rid of some flax bushes pls think of us and do it just before the show!

Please let me know and also whether you are able to drop the plants off and collect them or they need to be collected. (prefer the former)

2. Helpers  - for during the show and setting up on the Thursday afternoon and cleaning up on Monday.During the show it will be good to have a few people to mind stalls for groups and keep an eye on things.

If you can help with plants or helping during the show please email katherine@envirocentre.org.nz. with your cell phone no and what you are offering.

3. If you know of any appropriate organisations or businesses who might like a stand let me know - we still have some space.

Thanks a lot!


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