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Newsletter 10 March

Posted 16 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Events which have been in previous newsletters are now available on our website in Events or old newsletters can be looked at on http://envirocentre.wordjot.com

Please feel free to send feedback on the newsletter system.

You may have noticed, probably not, that emails are not generally included in our newsletters now that we are using an online system, so that people are not inundated with spam - email addresses will be put into words or just a website mentioned instead.

Hamilton Press page for community groups

Please put pen to paper and send Katherine at the Environment Centre a contribution for our page in the Hamilton Press coming up in early April. This is great publicity for your group so even your group's aims, contact details and meeting times and a little about what you do is better than missing out. A photo or two of hardworking volunteers is also good. Remember to include appreciation of your main funding agencies where applicable as well.

Don't forget that Envirofund closes on the 31 March.

Community education at Wintec:

COCE200       Writing for Community Groups
Participants of this module will develop skills to enhance their organisational writing procedures such as meeting minutes, agendas, reports, developing policies, writing proposals and producing newsletters.       
4 x Tuesday Evenings     6-9pm.  April 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd         
Wintec city Campus D Block Rooms D2.06 & D2.09

COCE202       Effective Governance for Community Organisations
Participants of this module will be able to identify and demonstrate knowledge of Governance structures, roles & responsibilities, legal requirements and strategic planning for community groups/organisations.  They will also demonstrate knowledge of effective leadership, presentations and decision making skills.      
4 x Thursday Evenings     6-9pm. March 27th, April 3rd, 10th & 17th.
Wintec city Campus D Block Room D2.09

COCE203       Sponsorship & Promotion for Community Organisations           
Participants of this module will be able to identify sources of potential sponsors and promotion opportunities, develop planning strategies, the ‘approach’, be able to negotiate terms/conditions and measure the effectiveness of a sponsorship or promotion opportunity.            
This module will be offered in Term 2 - May/June         

COCE204       Working with the Media for Community Organisations 
Participants of this module will be able to identify and demonstrate knowledge on how best to tap into the media, develop a communication plan, write a press release and identify key areas where they can gain value from contact with the media for their Community Organisation.  This module will be offered in Term 2 - May/June          tba

Numbers are limited so please register your intent to attend before the module start date by phoning 7773 or email Julie dot dennis at wintec dot co dot nz

Tuesday 18th March   Green Reels  - Zapatista

Come along, at 7:00pm, to the Trade Union Centre, 34 Harwood St, Hamilton.
All movies will be followed with an open floor discussion.
Running time: 55 min

Zapatista is the definitive look at the uprising in Chiapas. It it the story of a Mayan peasant rebellion. It is a story of a global movement that has fought 175,000 federal troops to a standstill and transformed Mexican and international political culture forever.


17th and 24th April Gully Restoration Training Days

Organised by Hamilton City Council, CBER and Centre for Continuing Education (University of Waikato)

Exciting opportunity for nursery staff, landscape designers, landscaping contractors, arborists and trades people working in and around Hamilton's gullies.

17th Introductory lecture 7 - 9pm - Gully ecosystems and restoration

24th Training Day - especially for landscape designers, landscaping, construction and spraying contractors and nursery staff. Cost $150, includes bus transport, refreshments, handouts and lunch. or $100 for those not attending the last lecture.

To register or for more information contact Centre for Continuing Education 858 5209

World Environment Day 5th June

Get funding now if your group would like to run an event around WED




Posted 16 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Don't forget Green Drinks today at the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, 5.30 onwards.

Hosted today by NZ Assn for Environmental Edcuation.

Everyone welcome. Thanks to those who have replied.

Bring your own drinks, nibbles provided

Gold coin Koha

See you there

Landcare Networking Field day - 9th April

Posted 16 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Please send this out to members of groups and make sure you reply to Bala or Lyn as below at EW not the Environment Centre

Environment Waikato is planning to organise a “Landcare Networking Field Day”, in conjunction with the Mangawara Landcare Group, at the Hoe O Tainui Hall Community Centre and near the Mangawara River on Wednesday, 9 April 2008 starting at 9.30 am. 

You are invited to attend the field day.

The primary objective of this field day is to enable representatives from each landcare group and other community groups to get together and discuss current issues affecting their areas and to develop an understanding of each group’s programmes and strategies.

The format envisaged is one of open discussion. A tentative programme is presented here:

        9.30 am Cup of Tea/Coffee

    10.00 am        “Get-together” at the Hoe O Tainui Hall

            Bruce / Chris Lane, Chairperson, Mangawara Landcare Group

        10.10 am        Programme presentation and Community involvement

                    Facilitated by Bala Tikkisetty, Environment Waikato

    10.20 am        Landcare concept – how will it benefit all of us?

                    Alan Campbell, EW

    10.30 am        Clean streams – what you need to know?

                    Therese Balvert, EW

    10.40 am        River management is not a rocket science

                    Phillip Ecclestone, EW / Mike Duffy, EW

    11.00 am        Networking session and interaction between the groups

        12.00 noon        Lunch –  networking continues

    1.00 pm See the real progress – Mangawara River

                    Field visit led by EW staff, Mangawara Landcare members and other community members

    3.00 pm Discussions and Vote of thanks –

            Environment Waikato and the Mangawara Landcare Group

The purpose of the field day is to develop communication between landcare and other community groups in Waikato, share ideas, and offer support between the groups and other organisations.

Please give this invitation wide circulation and encourage as many community groups as possible to attend this field day. 

Please RSVP by 4 April 2008 to the undersigned or Lyn Clement (lyn.clement@ew.govt.nz).

Thanks and regards

Bala Tikkisetty
Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator
Environmental Education
Environment Waikato
P O Box 4010
Hamilton East 3247
DDI 07 859 0543
Phone 07 859 0999
Fax 07 859 0998
Toll free 0800 800 401
Email bala.tikkisetty@ew.govt.nz
Mobile 021 589 915

Newsletter 26 February

Posted 16 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


Wednesday 27th February - tomorrow
Go by Bike Breakfast
in Garden Place, 7.30am.Sport Waikato are now coordinating this great event so jump on your bike tomorrow, helmet on your head and cruise into Civic Plaza for a fun early morning before work.
Biodiegradable Potato plates provided by ….drum roll….the Environment Centre, to then be fed to the worms.


Sunday 2 March
Go With the Flow -
10:00am to 3:30pm  ADMISSION IS FREE

“Go with the Flow” is the Museum day to celebrate Children’s Day and the exciting interactive exhibition: “The Mighty River Waikato: from Hinaki to Hydropower”. Visit the exhibition for FREE and enjoy our fun activities for the whole family:  take part in hands-on experiments with the Mad Scientist, learn about the river and creatures that live in it from our bio-river expert Hydro Girl, fish for chocolate fish, make a magic fish, add to our chalk pavement river mural and make some cool art.  There will be some great prizes and giveaways, a sausage sizzle and much more!
For the full programme check out http://www.waikatomuseum.co.nz/page/pageid/2145832910/Events#Flow

 Wednesday 5th March

Waikato Botanical Society - Wetland Restoration of Sporodanthus (native cane rush)
with Bev Clarkson and Monica Peters - Evening talk, planting and barbeque
In recent years, considerable work has been carried out by Landcare Research into restoring peat bogs co-dominated by Sporadanthus ferrugineus (a very local endemic) and Empodisma minus. Find out about this important research and new trials begun in 2006 to re-create areas of Sporadanthus ferrugineus and Empodisma minus in former farmland so that the peat building process can be reinstated. The results from research to date is very promising and show that this plant has potential to be used for further restoration projects within its former range in Waikato.
Afterwards we will go down to the threatened plant garden in the biology glasshouses compound to plant some Sporadanthus ferrugineus and all are welcome to enjoy a FREE barbeque!
6pm talk, 7-8pm planting and BBQ
Venue: University of Waikato, Room S 1.01, S Block, Gate 8 Hillcrest Rd. Followed by planting and BBQ at glasshouses compound.
Contact: Liz Grove ph 846 0965 

Sunday 9th  March
Riverside Family Walk and Cycle

10am at Memorial Park.
Family Riverside Walk & Bike Ride on Sunday 9th March from 9.30am at Memorial Park.
Join other families for a pleasant walk or cycle on the beautiful
Waikato River pathway, before returning for a picnic (bring your own)
Event Organised by:
Hamilton City Council. Contact is Philip King (07 838 6991).

March 2nd - 9th   Seaweek 2008
Saturday 8th
Raglan Sea Festival/Dolphin Day and Recycled Raft Race at the Kopua Domain.
It will be a fun, family day with lots of activities happening including raft making, art fool, face painting, raft racing, paddle boating and picnicking! If you are interested in being involved on the day as a volunteer or you know of any entertainers we still have a few spots left so don’t be shy to give the Whaingaroa Environment Centre a call - Phone: 00 64 (0)7  825 0480  Web site: www.whaingaroa.org.nz

The national Seaweek website can be found at : http://www.seaweek.org.nz/
Sam Stephens Coastal Community Facilitator  Environment
DDI: (07) 859 0542 
Mobile: 021 792 561   www.ew.govt.nz

Starting March 12
Wednesday Organic Gardening courses
For 4 weeks total, from 10 – 12,  at Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington St, Phone Cheryl 834 2249 at the Hamilton Permaculture Trust.

Thursday March 13
Forest and Bird – Phil Brown, Wild Life Photographer
Phil Brown is talking on why some of our wild life is so endangereda dn how they are so uniqute to NZ. The important role that the Maungatautari Island Ecological Trust will have to play in preserving our wildlife. Phil is a well known photographer Hamilton Gardens, 7pm

Saturday March 15      
Forest and Bird - Working Bee Walter Scott Reserve
Track Maintenance, and putting up track markers etc
Meet at
9am at the Reserve. For directions and more information please contact the trip leaders, Anne and Dave Lee 07 843 6880

Sunday March 16 (daylight saving ends)
Forest and Bird -  Oturoa Rd, Oropi Walk
Easy walk on in the Oropi, Tauranga area. Walk is on private land. Leave
Hamilton at 9.30am Contact Bob Cumming 07 856 3891 for details.

Wednesday 19 March
Mangakotukutuku Stream Care Group
Releasing of last year's plantings -
5:00-6:30 pm - Sandford Park weeding:
Meet at
Waterford Rd entrance to Sandford Park. More details on www.streamcare.org.nz

Thursday March 27

9.30am – 4pm

Waikato is proud to bring you a one day workshop facilitated by renowned international speaker, Martin J Cowling.
This interactive workshop is a must for those who are working with volunteers, and will consider the key components for volunteer programmes.  Utilising research and current practice, Martin J Cowling will outline practical steps in building an effective volunteer program.
The session will initially focus on what motivates and demotivates 2nd Century volunteers. The day will then use this information to consider how to best manage the volunteer life cycle from recruitment on.
Please see the attached flyer for more information and registration form – numbers are strictly limited.
For all enquiries, contact Volunteering Waikato on 07 839 3191

Saturday 26 April
Mangakotukutuku Stream Care Group
2:30-4:00 pm - Releasing of last year's plantings - Sandford Park weeding:
Meet at
Waterford Rd entrance to Sandford Park. More details on www.streamcare.org.nz

Sustainable Living courses
Starting in the Second Term, coordinated by the Environment Centre, in conjunction with Adult Community Education at Wintec,
If you are interested in coming along to a 8 part series aimed at looking at all aspects of sustainable living - energy, water, travel, building, gardening, shopping, please contact Katherine 839 4452  
Sessions will be 2 hours, held 7 – 9 in the evenings and will be look at practical solutions and activities, with input from experts in the different areas. $5 per session.

Update of the
New Zealand Transport Strategy - Submission due this Friday

Funding  Envirofund 2008

Got an idea to make Hamilton more sustainable?Need financial support for a community focused project?
The Hamilton City Council Envirofund could provide the financial support your project needs.
What types of projects are funded?

  • Local environmental restoration projects;
  • Environmental seminars and workshops;
  • Environmental research that could provide direct benefits to Hamilton's environment;
  • Educational or promotional activities that raise awareness about environmental issues;
  • Practical environmental initiatives that involve community participation or increase community involvement.


Applications for the next Envirofund round close 31st March, 4pm.Apply Now! Applications are easy. Application forms and guidelines are available on-line at:


Next Green Drinks

Posted 16 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Hi there, this was first sent out a fortnight ago but some emails may have been blocked, so apologies if you did not receive it then.

The next Hamilton Green Drinks is being hosted by the NZAEE committee (NZ Assn for Environmental Education) and will be held at the Environment Centre on March 7th, from 5.30pm or afterwork.

As usual, bring your own drinks, nibbles will be provided courtesy of Waikato Branch of NZAEE, so come along and enjoy a relaxing after-work interlude in the EC, and this is an opportunity to learn a bit about this organisation if you are not familiar with it.

 It is helpful if you reply to help with numbers for food - hope to see you there.

Thanks Katherine

Sad News

Posted 16 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

This message has come from Rainbow Valley Farm, the home of Joe Palaischer, for me one of the most inspiring sustainability proponents in New Zealand. Many of us have visited RVF, attended a course or heard Joe talking down here and are always impressed with his down to earth good sense, and we remain in awe of what he and Trish achieved on their incredible permaculture property.  Our sympathy to Trish and family.

Dear friends

We're sorry to have to let you know that Joe Polaischer  died this morning, 14/02/08, at Rainbow Valley farm. He was with Trish and he went very peacefully around 3.30am.

Joe's funeral will be on SATURDAY 16TH FEB at 2.00pm, at the Matakana
 Pony Club on Matakana Valley Rd, Matakana. There will be a gathering after the
 burial at the Matakana Hall. Please bring a plate and a bottle.

 As this is very short notice, the family would appreciate your help in  passing this information on to anyone you think may like to be there. We would love to see as many of you as possible there; we know there are many who would like to join us in celebration of an extraordinary life.

We realise that there will be people from all around the world who would like to attend but won't be able to make it.  If you wish to  respond with messages please use this address:  friends.of.rvf@gmail.com 

If you would like to send a message to be read out at or displayed at the funeral or after-gathering we ask that you keep it short - one sentence or no more than a text message in length.  For these please put "Please Convey this Message" in the subject line as this will make it much easier to sort out the many messages we anticipate in the short time until then.  We will do our best to share these messages where possible.

Best regards

Ron Sperber
On behalf of Friends of Rainbow Valley Farm

Newsletter 11 February

Posted 16 years, 11 months ago    0 comments


Welcome to the first newsletter using Wordjot - a new blog system - you are all subscribed to the newsletter as before - but you will be able to unsubscribe at your whim, and others will be able to subscribe if they so wish. You will also be able to post comments back to me. We will develop other categories as time goes on that you can choose to subscribe to but at present I am keeping it simple. Hope you find the new format an improvement on the old. Any problems let me know - I have a direct line to the developer of the system.

World Environment Day June 5th        NZ is hosting World Environment Day. There is funding available from the Ministry for groups wanting to an activity. (see details in Funding below)

Green Events Calendar – the Environment Centre is putting together a green events calendar which will be available online very shortly. If you are running a workshop, or doing anything else that we do not know about please let us know. You will also be able to put a link to the calendar on your website.

 New Climate Change website offering all points of view - http://climatedebatedaily.com/
(Put up and edited by the same person who edits Arts and letters daily – Denis Dutton from
Canterbury University,  and Douglas Campbell who sounds quite intelligent too)

“One Waikato, Seven Wonders'
Environment Waikato is about to launch a campaign called that asks the public to name their favourite natural wonders in our region.
They hope by encouraging people to celebrate the special places we have in the
Waikato, they might also provide inspiration to protect our wonders for the future, for example, by becoming involved with some of our care groups.Sporting stars Colin Meads and Sarah Ulmer are backing the campaign, along with Prime Minister Helen Clark who has praised the regional council initiative as “a great way to highlight the beauty and importance of the region's natural resources, and the need to protect them for future generations”.Nominations can be made on the Environment Waikato website, www.ew.govt.nz from Saturday 9 February, or by using the nomination form in the council's magazine, Envirocare.
Beyond encouraging people to personally engage with their surroundings, the nomination process will help identify significant landscapes for possible inclusion in the Regional Policy Statement, currently under review.


Tuesday 12th February

Sustainable Urban Design group meeting
The first Green Building Network meeting for 2008 has been organised at Connell Wagner Limited Buildings - 19 Kaimiro, Pukete  7pm.
If you plan to attend please RSVP by Monday
5pm to Elizabeth Dobbs [DobbsE@conwag.com].Amanda Rogers (Building Scientist) will  discuss GreenStar ratings and relate it to the residential sector also
Open to anyone who's interested.
The Sustainable Urban Design group has meetings regularly at a different venue each time to look at all aspects of ecobuilding. There will also be more workshops coming up later in the year.
If anyone wants to join the Sustainable Urban Design Group, please register your interest with
 Aaron Fleming
Environmental Policy Advisor at
Hamilton City Council
DDI: (07) 838 6483, Fax: (07) 838 6464  E: aaron.fleming  at   hcc.govt.nz   www.hamilton.co.nz

 Wednesday 13 February
Sport Waikato and Heart Foundation are running an event on Wednesday 13 February 2008 to support the Heart encouraging you to come down to the lake and participate in any of the following FREE activities:Sarah Prowse Hamilton Active Living Coordinator, sportwaikato I p 07 838 2657 I f 07 838 2655 I m 027 274 6682

Saturday 23 February
Good life Expo – same day as Right Bank Arts Festival at the Hamilton Gardens,
Get in now and book your stall, going fast, phone Cheryl 834 2249.
The earthoven will be auctioned on site and delivered to some lucky person. Come and see the alpacas again, plus lots of other interesting environmental stalls, good food and coffee available.
Here is the programme:

 Main site:  Green Egg Lawn
  to  10:30                  FAIR TRADE                 Trade aid   - We can help the world with ethical shopping
10:30 to 11:30
               TRANSITION TOWNS    James Samuel
11:45 to  12:15              THINKING THE UNTHINKABLE                           Nandor Tanczos
to  1                     EARTH BUILDING                                            Paul Peterson
2pm.                             AUCTION OF THE PORTABLE EARTH OVEN
2:30  to  4                     TRANSITION TOWNS WORKSHOP                    James Samuel

10:30am.           Grafting of Fruit trees                       12:00pm.           Curtain Bank
11:00                Heat your water with solar power       12:30                New house design                     
11:30                Composting                                      1:00                  Vermiculture

2:00                  Grafting of fruit trees

&  2:00pm.
A tour & talk on  the practices in the garden such as crop rotation & soil conditioning
Thanks to sponsors: Scottwood Trust and Trust Waikato

Saturday 23rd  February
Botanical Society trip - Matarangi Coastal Wetland

We hope to explore a large freshwater wetland at Matarangi on the northern shores of Whangapoua Harbour, Coromandel Peninsula. Details to be confirmed.
10am at the intersection of Matarangi drive and Waimaire Ave (in Matarangi itself)....follow Matarangi road in from SH25 and veer left once you get to the settlement.  Waimaire Ave is about 800m along on the right, the wetland is just opposite.
Contact: Catherine Beard Catherine.Beard@ew.govt.nz or ph 855 5479 (hm)

 Wednesday 27th February
Bike to Work  Breakfast
in Garden Place, 7am – 8.30am
Bike into
Civic Plaza for a free nutritious breakfast, the chance to participate in bike challenges and win spot prizes. No registration necessary.

 18 February to 2 March 2008 Bikewise Battle
 New Zealand organisations (and departments) are competing against each other to see who can get the highest percentage of staff to ride a bike. So get your organsation to compete! Enter at - http://www.bikewise.co.nz/Site/bikewisebattle/default.aspx
So be healthier, happier workplaces - and win one of the great prizes that are up for grabs within the five organisation-size categories.
Participants can ride wherever they feel comfortable for a minimum of 2km or 10 minutes. All it takes is to ride just once during competition, then log it here on the website. Have a go! Hop on a bike!


Sunday 9th  March
Riverside walk and ride Round  - starting from Memorial Park.
Helpers wanted -
We are needing more cyclists who will be able to accompany groups on the bike ride – the rides are not at all arduous! If anyone is able to help, please contact Philip King at HCC 838 6991 if you can help with the cycling.
Judy MacDonald and Living Streets would like some help with the walkers as well, and handing out leaflets. contact her on 07 855 2019.

Sunday 2nd March
Museum River Day 10am to 3.30pm
We are pitching the programme at families with children as they are our target audience. To help us plan and promote the programme for the day it would be great to get from you the following information:
1. A written description of what your organisation will be doing on the day in a paragraph.
2. Details of any special set-up requirements for the day.
The Museum is committed to managing and marketing this event. We are aware that your time is valuable and we are willing to support you to ensure that the day is a successful occasion for all concerned.

Please contact Robyn Johnston if you are interested in having a stall or display:
Business Activity Manager, Waikato Museum, Hamilton City Council 1 Grantham Street Private Bag 3010,
DDI 07 838 6553  Fax 07 838 6571 
Mobile 021 471 930 www.waikatomuseum.co.nz

 March 2nd - 9th   Seaweek 2008
If your group is interested in doing something please contact Sam at EW (details below)

The aims of Seaweek include raising awareness of the coast and ocean and encouraging all New Zealanders to help look after their local marine areas. Seaweek has become a time when New Zealanders not only celebrate the sea, but also get involved in activities that promote the health of our ocean. Seaweek is a national event coordinated by the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE) and Sir Peter Blake Trust.
The national Seaweek website can be found at : http://www.seaweek.org.nz/
Sam Stephens Coastal Community Facilitator  Environment
DDI: (07) 859 0542 
Mobile: 021 792 561  Email: Sam.Stephens  at  ew.govt.nz  www.ew.govt.nz

Starting March 12
Wednesday Organic Gardening courses
For 4 weeks total, from 10 – 12,  at Waimarie Community House, 53 Wellington St, Phone Cheryl 834 2249 at the Hamilton Permaculture Trust.


Envirofund 2008
Got an idea to make Hamilton more sustainable?
Need financial support for a community focused project?
The Hamilton City Council Envirofund could provide the financial support your project needs.
What types of projects are funded?
·       Local environmental restoration projects;
·       Environmental seminars and workshops;
·       Environmental research that could provide direct benefits to
Hamilton's environment;  
·       Educational or promotional activities that raise awareness about environmental issues;
·       Practical environmental initiatives that involve community participation or increase community involvement.
Applications for the next Envirofund round close 31st March, 4pm. Apply Now! Applications are easy.
Application forms and guidelines are available on-line at: http://hamilton.co.nz/Envirofund
For further information contact: Sustainable Environment Team Hamilton City Council  Phone 958 5885

 World Environment Day Funding available
New Zealand is hosting World Environment Day 2008 in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on June 5. The Ministry for the Environment is the lead government agency coordinating the event alongside UNEP.

World Environment Day is an opportunity to raise awareness and promote action on national environment issues. New Zealand businesses and communities can tie-in their own environmental and sustainable activities and messages to the event and take advantage of WED’s status and media focus.
World Environment Day is a national event in which all New Zealanders can participate through organising a wide range of community/regional events and activities.
There is community funding available to financially assist organisations/groups/schools/early childhood centres who wish to undertake an event or activity during the week of World Environment Day. These events and activities need to take place during the week of 2–8 June 2008.
For more information about the applying for funding you can visit http://www.mfe.govt.nz/withyou/wed/index.html and download an application form and the 'Guide for Applicants'. Alternatively, if you wish to receive hardcopies of this information you can email the WED@mfe.govt.nz and ask for this information to be mailed to you.
Further resource packs are currently being developed and will be available from our website in the near future.
Amanda Turner | Adviser, Projects and Partnerships

Ministry for the Environment - Manatü Mö Te Taiao | PO Box 10362, 23 Kate Sheppard Place, Wellington |P 04 439 7518 |F 04 439 7707 |M 027 636 8920

Trust Waikato
Now has 3 funding rounds per year.
The next one closes on 22 February, notified early May 08
2nd round closes 13 June, notified and paid early Sept 08
3rd round closes 19 September, notified early Dec 08

 Situations Vacant
Environmental Policy Advisor
Are you excited about our city’s future?
Hamilton needs you to help us make it sustainable.  You will be working as part of an enthusiastic team to improve the environmental sustainability of Hamilton and Council.  The job is varied, including work on strategy and policy development, greening of events and organisational sustainability.
Ideally you will have sound understanding of local environmental issues and a flair for communication and empowering others.  You will need experience in facilitating processes and bringing groups together, and a tertiary qualification in resource or environmental management or environmental engineering.
Join our team and empower others to achieve great results for our city.
Applications close:
17 February 2008
For more information go to http://careers.hamilton.co.nz/jobcentre/search.asp


E Waste Day!

Posted 17 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Saturday 29th September, 9am–3pm

Where – Old Railway Yards, corner of Empire & High Streets Frankton.
Recycle your used unwanted computers and mobile phones for free! All brands of computer and mobile phone equipment welcome.
There's now an environmentally friendly alternative to disposing of this electronic waste. An electronic waste collection day providing a convenient collection point for consumers (households, schools, small businesses and community organisations) to dispose of old computers and computer peripherals (printers, scanners) and all old cell phones. The electronic material will either be reused through Computer Access NZ (CANZ) or those computers that have reached the end of their life will be recycled for their metal, plastics and heavy metals such as mercury and lead.
It’s a simple, free and effective way to dispose of your computer and old mobile phone electronic waste in an environmentally sustainable way. All items will either be reused or recycled.
Who can drop off? households, schools, small businesses and community organisations.
What can I bring? computer hardware • monitors • networking equipment • scanners • keyboards • mice • computer speakers • laptops • printers • toner and ink jet cartridges • games consoles • mobile phones
What won’t be accepted - televisions • stereos • appliances • furniture
If you are unable to take your ewaste over to Frankton on that day, you are welcome to phone Katherine at the Environment Centre, 839 4452 to arrange dropping it off at my place, and I will take a trailer load if necessary.
