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Waikato Environment Centre Annual General Meeting

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Come and support your environment centre!

Please join us to celebrate the passing of another great year at the centre and to look forward to the future.

Our AGM is on Tuesday the 22nd of November, starting 5.30pm at the Waikato Environment Centre.

Drinks and nibbles are on us so to help us ensure there is enough to go around, please RSVP to admin@envirocentre.org.nz by 18 November.

There are a number of awesome people putting their hands up to join our already awesome board. If you are a member of the Waikato Environment Centre, then you will be eligible to vote at the AGM.

Contact Jan using the email address above to find out more about becoming a WEC member. Please join us in bringing our board into being for the following year!

The AGM agenda and trustee nomination form are attached below.

2016 AGM Agenda.pdf

WEC Trustee Nomination Form 2016.pdf

Latest News and Events - updated links

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora koutou,

Apologies for any difficulties you may have had openng attachments in Friday's newsletter. The problem appears to be specifically with Word documents uploaded in this programme. Below is an updated version of the newsletter with those particular attachments converted to PDF documents.

Urban Design & Living Workshop

Tutor: Antoinette Van Weerden
When: Saturday, 26 November; 9am– 5pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members)

This session can be attended as a workshop or be credited towards our Permaculture Design Certificate (Module 11).

“Cities are sometimes not regarded the domain of permaculture but in this class we see how we can simply claim back space and turn our cities into human spaces once again.”

This urban design module focuses on our permaculture zones but increasing this scale across a city and region. The module will open your eyes and challenge your perception of what a city or town should look like. We will focus on where and how humans fit in today’s cities?

We will also look at how to retrofit a city to embrace our permaculture principles. How do we use these principles to create more liveable and connected cities. Reflect on water management, energy production and use, food production, social connection, transport, resource efficiency through sharing.

We will also have a visit to Heidi Mardon’s sustainable house in Hamilton City, and will look at a range of strategies to reduce your ecological footprint using sustainable design and building projects.

To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 07 839 4452.

The Inaugural Posh Nosh Gala Dinner: Kaivolution Fundraiser

Kaivolution needs some dosh to keep its wheels in motion, so we have organised a fun fundraising event:

The Inaugural Posh Nosh Gala Dinner is taking place on the 11th of November at the Wintec Atrium.

This event offers a delicious, three course meal and excellent entertainment. All money raised will fund Kaivolution’s operations and build its capacity, including enabling the employment of more van drivers and allowing us to operate from larger food sorting facilities.

Kaivolution provides a waste minimisation and food redistribution service. Food that is good enough to eat but not good enough to sell is collected from more than 15 food retailers and 6 supermarkets across the city, and there are a number of supermarkets waiting to sign up. In less than two years Kaivolution has rescued over 160 tonnes of food, and has distributed it to over 65 charitable organisations throughout the Waikato.

We are experiencing considerable demand for our food rescue service, but in order to respond we need more operational funding and a larger food sorting centre. So please join us for the Gala Dinner and help grow Kaivolution's capacity.

Guest speaker Pamela Storey and some awesome prizes are part of the entertainment line-up.

Buy your tickets online now

Riverlea Working Bee

When: Saturday 5 November 1 - 3 pm.
Where: Meet at the Malcolm street end of the boardwalk in Hammond Park, Riverlea.

What: Weeding in boggy areas and releasing plants in dry areas.
Wear: Strong shoes or gumboots, long sleeves and gloves.

Following on from our very successful Fun Day in Hammond Park, we're having a working bee. Confused? Our usual time is the last Saturday of the month, but, as the Fun Day was on the last Saturday, we're having our working bee a week late.

Bring a garden knife, secateurs or hedge clippers (we can supply some). Light refreshments (baking and drinks) provided afterwards onsite.

This will go ahead unless there is a metservice weather warning, in which case we'll send out an email and post on our facebook page (which you might like to peek at even if you're not on facebook page).

Anne Ferrier-Watson, riverlea.soc@gmail.co

Age Concern Garden Ramble

When: Sunday 13 November

we are holding a fund-raising Garden Ramble to raise funds for our Supportive Services fieldworker. Further information at http://ageconcern.gen.nz/GardenRamble.aspx and tickets sales at http://www.iticket.co.nz/events/2016/sep/garden-ramble


Australasian Facilitator’s Network conference (AFN)

An international conference opens in Whaingaroa (Raglan) on November 30 2016 at Pohaikena Marae. The Australasian Facilitator’s Network conference (AFN) will provide a learning, sharing and networking opportunity for those whose work involves facilitating meetings, groups and teams in businesses, communities, councils and government. More information and the registration page for the conference is available at: http://www.afnconference.org.au/ and in the attachments below.

Skills Development AFN Conference Raglan 2016.pdf

2017 Community Development Conference

People are currently invited to submit papers for presentation at the 2017 Community Development Conference, which is being hosted by ACDA and IACD.

The Theme is “Sustainably yours, Community Development and a sustainable just future” and will occur in Auckland on the 15th-17th February 2017. For more information see http://www.aotearoacommunitydevelopmentassociation.com/2017-cd-conference

World-changing DNA technologies

Professor Cristin Print
Director, Bioinformatics Institute, University of Auckland

When and Where: Waikato University, 7.30pm Tuesday November 8, Room A.G.30

The final Waikato Branch RSNZ talk for 2016 This is on DNA technologies, genome sequencing, and cloning and aims to give the audience a taste of what to expect during our next lunchtime lecture series, which will be held about the same time next year as the climate change series was held in 2016. The climate change audience requested a series of talks on aspects of genetic engineering, which is what we will do.


Waikato Biodiversity Forum event

Date: Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Time: 9am-3pm
Venue: Pirongia Memorial Hall, 997 Franklin Street, Pirongia

The next Waikato Biodiversity Forum event is in Pirongia. The day is a mixture of presentations, a trip to a steep site on the slopes of Pirongia and workshops. Of particular appeal will be hearing about the use of indigenous forestry for commercial return and learning about the principles of healthy plant communities. Please be in touch if you have any queries.

Flyer and rego form.pdf

Latest News and Events

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Te Ao Māori Workshop
Food Safety Regulations and Local Food
Going batty in November!
Waikato TimeBank Orientation Session
Make 'Mobile' Workshop
Electric Bike Workshop & Test Rides
Hammond Park Community Fund Day
Volunteer at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day

Te Ao Māori Workshop

This weekend

There is still time to register for this workshop. 

Tutors: Āwhina Barrett and Matua Hēpara (Shepherd Isaac)

When: Saturday, 29 October; 9am– 5pm.
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members).

To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 07 839 4452.

This workshop offers opportunities to learn about Māori relationships to land, waters and sky. It includes Māori stories, culture, wisdom and spirituality, and how this links to the practices of Earth care and People care. There will also be a trip to a native planting land, where we look at planting for personal, societal and environmental healing.

*Painting of Papatūānuku by Phil Mokaraka Berry of Ngāpuhi, accessed from Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/artwork/18374/papatuanuku

For more information see the attached document.


Food Safety Regulations and Local Food

Waikato Sustainability Network Meeting

When: Monday 31st of October, 12-1.30pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

Food Safety Regulations and Local Food - What impact will the new food safety legislation have on the local food movement? Come and meet and chat with Cindy Norris, an Environmental Health Officer who regulates and educates in respect of food safety regulation.

Please come and network, share your work, your passion and enjoy a cup of tea. Bring your lunch or food to share if you would like.

Going batty in November!

Crafters needed

When: Tuesday 1 November, 5.30-8pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.

We are looking for people with great sewing and craft skills to volunteer some time to help us create some bat themed products that can be sold at the upcoming Bat Symposium (which is part of the Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference) on 20 November. The aim is to raise funds for Project Echo. If you can come along and help us out please contact Sarah at sarah@envirocentre.org.nz or by phone 07 839 4452.

Waikato TimeBank Orientation Session

When: Tuesday 1 November 12.15-1.15pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.

Are you interested in finding out more about, or signing up to, Waikato TimeBank? Come along and find out more about timebanking, or join the group orientation session as part of the sign-up process.

Time banking is a mutual volunteering system that uses time, rather than money, as a currency. TimeBank members exchange services in a pay-it-forward way, sharing skills, knowledge and talents with each other. Within TimeBank, everyone's time is equal.

If you have time, complete your online sign-up and the attached form and bring it along to the session. This will speed up you membership application process so you can get started as soon as possible.

WTB Membership Application Form.pdf

Make 'Mobile' Workshop

When: Thursday 17th November & Wednesday 23rd November 2016, 6.30pm start
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.

Electric Bike Workshop & Test Rides

When: 19 November, 11am-1pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton
RSVP: By 15 November to email rob@evolocity.co.nz

Join Waikato Environment Centre, MeloYelo and electric bike expert Bruce McKenzie for a free workshop. Learn about the benefits of electric bikes; the pros and cons of buying a new electric bike versus convering your exising bike; evaluate whether your bike is suitable for converting to electric; what the conversion process involves and what tools you need; doing your own conversion, versus getting expert help; new electric bikes: an overview; Q&A; and test rides.

environment centre invitation 101016.pdf

Volunteer at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day

When: Saturday 29 October, 1-3.30pm
Where: Hammond Park (entrance off end of Malcolm Street, Riverlea, Hamilton).

The following volunteers are needed to help out at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day.

1 x 'gofer': someone who can be a gofer on the day helping with anything we need a driver's license in case we need more sausages from New World!

1 x sign placer: someone to put up about 10 'community event signs' between 12 & 1 on Cambridge Road, Cobham Drive and the streets that lead to the Park (Hammond, Hudson, Howell, etc.).

2 games supervisors: 1-3.30 pm, the games are simple yet engaging and you'll get a brief instruction card you'll get to repeat them several times with different groups of children you need to like working with children and be able to give clear directions.

4 x performers - Peka the Bat & Woody Weed: 4 playful people needed to interact with event attendees it's hot work being in costume so you won't need to be in costume for more than 30 minutes at a time, hence 4 people to share the job interested? We'll help you get into character, and provide you some game and interaction ideas.

If you can help please contact Anne Ferrier-Watson, Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated at riverlea.soc@gmail.com


Two Olympus Pearlcorder T1000 transcribers (for micro-cassettes) plus an HP Laserjet 5M printer: all in good working order - just surplus to requirements. Enquiries to Robyn, contact email rbservices@ihug.co.nz or phone 07 8565241.

Latest News and Events

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

10 ways to make a more sustainable busines
Community Engagement and Enhancement: SBN workshop
Food Safety Regulations and Local Food
Earth Matters podcast available now
Te Ao Māori Workshop
Friends of Waiwhakareke working bee
Volunteer at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day
Advanced Permaculture Design Course

10 ways to make a more sustainable business

When: Wednesday 26th of October; 5.30-7pm
Where: Bank of New Zealand BNZ, 51 Victoria St Cambridge 

This workshop is a great opportunity to get some ideas on how to make your sustainability journey not only meaningful, but also engaging and fun! This event is in conjunction with Cambridge Chamber of Commerce NZ, brought to you in collaboration with PAUA Architects Limited.

This event costs $35 to attend ($25 for members of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce NZ). Contact Camilla sustainablefuture@envirocentre.org.nz at for more information.

Waikato Business Sustainability Workshop

Community Engagement and Enhancement

The final workshop in the series is coming up. Join us for breakfast and hear Anna and Rob from Anglican Action share their stories about business engagement with communities.

Food Safety Regulations and Local Food

Waikato Sustainability Network Meeting

When: Monday the 31st of October, 12-1.30pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton.

What impact will the new food safety legislation have on the local food movement? Come and meet and chat with Cindy Norris, an Environmental Health Officer who regulates and educates in respect of food safety regulation.

Please come and network, share your work, your passion and enjoy a cup of tea. Bring your lunch or food to share if you would like.

Earth Matters: Housing and the environment

Catch up on what you missed on our radio show last night. The latest Earth Matters podcast is available now. There is no doubt that Hamilton has a housing problem that is also part of a wider New Zealand problem. Last night Anna and Samantha talked about housing and the environment. We welcome you to listen and support us to brainstorm solutions around socio-economic housing in conjunction with environmental stewardship by adding your comments and thoughts. Earth Matters is our new radio show that we broadcast fortnightly on Wednesday evenings in collaboration with the community. The show is available live on radio and online (live and podcast) on Free FM community radio. Tune in fortnightly at 5pm on Wednesdays for the show.

Te Ao Māori Workshop

There is still time to register for this workshop. 

Tutors: Āwhina Barrett and Matua Hēpara (Shepherd Isaac)

When: Saturday, 29 October; 9am– 5pm.
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members)

To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 07 839 4452.

This workshop offers opportunities to learn about Māori relationships to land, waters and sky. It includes Māori stories, culture, wisdom and spirituality, and how this links to the practices of Earth care and People care. There will also be a trip to a native planting land, where we look at planting for personal, societal and environmental healing.

*Painting of Papatūānuku by Phil Mokaraka Berry of Ngāpuhi, accessed from Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/artwork/18374/papatuanuku

For more information see the attached document.


Friends of Waiwhakareke working bee

The next Friends of Waiwhakareke weeding and releasing morning is coming up soon.

When: Saturday 29 October, 9am-midday
Where: Meet in the car park on Brymer Road opposite the zoo.

There will be some extra people attending from a Church group. People will workin teams.Some people indicated at the last working bee that they were happy to be team leaders for the working bee and they will be contacted by email to confirm that this is OK.

The Arbor Day plants will be released. Wear gloves and bring pruners or small slasher. Most of the releasing is stomping around the plants and removing any big invasive weeds. Bring wet-weather gear if rain is forecast. Wear gumboots if the week has been rainy, and of course bring morning tea.

Volunteers will be asked to sign in on arrival, as a H&S requirement, and must provide contact details and your next of kin contact details

Volunteer at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day

When: Saturday 29 October, 1-3.30pm
Where: Hammond Park (entrance off end of Malcolm Street, Riverlea, Hamilton)

The following volunteers are needed to help out at the Hammond Park Community Fund Day.

1 x 'gofer': someone who can be a gofer on the day helping with anything we need a driver's license in case we need more sausages from New World!

1 x sign placer: someone to put up about 10 'community event signs' between 12 & 1 on Cambridge Road, Cobham Drive and the streets that lead to the Park (Hammond, Hudson, Howell, etc.).

2 games supervisors:  1-3.30 pm, the games are simple yet engaging and you'll get a brief instruction card you'll get to repeat them several times with different groups of children you need to like working with children and be able to give clear directions.

4 x performers - Peka the Bat & Woody Weed: 4 playful people needed to interact with event attendees it's hot work being in costume so you won't need to be in costume for more than 30 minutes at a time, hence 4 people to share the job interested? We'll help you get into character, and provide you some game and interaction ideas.

If you can help please contact Anne Ferrier-Watson, Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated at riverlea.soc@gmail.com

Advanced Permaculture Design Course

with Dan Palmer

25-27 November 2016, Tauranga

There is revolution going on in the world of permaculture design, right here in little ole NZ. The course will be an engaging weekend with teacher Dan Palmer, getting to the essentials of successful life and property design. This course is for people who have a basic permaculture education and would like to feel much more confident about doing quality designing for real people on real properties. Find out more...

Latest news and events

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Te Ao Māori Workshop
Earth Matters: Our new radio show!
New in store
Lost property
Len Reynolds Trust funding applications
Piako Catchment Forum information evening
Draft Hamilton Lake Domain Management Plan
NZ General Social Survey 2018

Te Ao Māori Workshop

We are proud to bring to you for the first time a new permaculture design module: Te Ao Māori.

Tutors: Āwhina Barrett and Matua Hēpara (Shepherd Isaac)

When: Saturday, 29 October; 9am– 5pm.
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton.
Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members)

To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 07 839 4452.

As with most of te reo Māori, ‘Te Ao Māori’ is not easily translated into English, because Māori language and culture has a multitude of different concepts, ideas and understandings not encapsulated in te reo Pākeha. In its simplest form, ‘Te Ao Māori’ can perhaps translate as ‘the Māori world’ or ‘the world/Earth, from a Māori perspective’.

Included in this module

  • Learning about Māori relationships to land, waters and sky. Includes Māori stories, culture and spirituality, and how this links to the practices of Earth care and People care.
  • Rongoā - an introduction to the medicinal use of plants.
  • A story of native planting, for personal, societal and environmental healing. Includes trip to a native planting land, where cultural protocols and practices will be observed. All of the permaculture principles will be incorporated into this mahi.

*Painting of Papatūānuku by Phil Mokaraka Berry of Ngāpuhi, accessed from Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/artwork/18374/papatuanuku

For more information see the attached document.


Earth Matters: Our new radio show!

Check out our fortnightly radio show on Free FM89 Real Community Radio. We bring this show in collaboration with community.

The show will be brought to you fortnightly on Wednesday nights by hosts Samantha Rose and Anna Casey-Cox. The focus will be on issues around enviornment and sustainability, with guest presenters popping in from time to time. If you miss a show, or the time slot doesn't suit, you can always catch up at a later date by visiting the Free FM website and selecting the relevant Earth Matters podcast

You can listen to our next show live:

Topic: Ecological and Social Housing Development Models
When: Wednesday 19th October, 5-5.30pm
"Where": 89FM or online live at http://player.wizz.co.nz/freefm89/

In this show we’ll be talking about housing and the environment. We will discussing housing developments that take into account the environment and human quality of life.

One of the permaculture wisdoms is that the solution is found in the problem. We define the housing problem in the following ways:

  1. There is not enough accessible and affordable housing for the amount of people that need housing. With the lack of public housing provision and significant housing market increases, a number of people are left with very few quality housing options.
  2. Much of the housing that is available for rent is of a relatively poor quality and this leads to a variety of health issues.
  3. There seems to be limited non-agricultural land for new housing development.

Within these problems, there are solutions that are possible for Kirikiriroa Hamilton and for Aotearoa New Zealand. Successful solutions have been developed here as part of Maori society, in other parts of the world and on the fringes of Pakeha society. We will explore the concepts, ideas and workings of Papakainga and Eco Villages.

There are many examples that all of us can learn from. It is important to think outside of what might be considered ‘normal’ or conventional and welcome old and new paradigms of human settlement and town planning.

New in store

Have you been in to our eco shop recently? We have lots of new additions in the store including these gorgeous tea-making products, and clever bat and bug houses. These pretty new tea tins and infusers are gorgeous. Did you know most tea bags contain plastic and so won't compost? You can keep your tea fresh in these tins and brewing using leaf tea with these infusers mean that you will be reducing your plastic waste by going bag-free.

Lost property

Have you lost keys? We have found a set of keys, including car keys. Please call us if you may have left them at the Waikato Environment Centre. Call 07 839 4452.

Community news and events

Len Reynolds Trust

Applications open

The Len Reynolds Trust 2016 funding round is open, and will close 4pm on the 7 November 2016. You can apply for this fund if you are a legally constituted community group or organisation that is registered under the charities Act 2005, and work towards one or more of the following.

  • Encourage more community based and community led initiatives
  • Improve community spirit and connectivity
  • Support a wide and diverse range of activities
  • Promote volunteering

More information...

Piako Catchment Forum

"Know your river" information evening

When: Thursday 27th October, 7-9pm
Where: Tatuanui Hall 

Community are invited to attend the group's first community evening. The Piako Catchment Forum is a group of individals and iwi with support of the WRC in developing a community led platform surrounding the Piako Catchment.

RSVP to Anita at piakocatchment@gmail.co

Draft Hamilton Lake Domain Management Plan

Public consultation

The Parks and Open Spaces Unit of Hamilton City Council have now prepared a draft Hamilton Lake Domain Management Plan and are calling for feedback on the draft Plan.

As an important stakeholder we would like to hear you views.

Please find attached, a letter that explains the process and how to have your say by 7 December 2016.

LDMP - letter to stakeholders.pdf

NZ General Social Survey 2018: Objectives and priorities of housing and physical environment supplement released

Stats NZ is looking for feedback on their planned survey on housing and physical environment; you may wish to take a look. Proposed content:

  • Housing quality and suitability
  • Housing tenure security and housing mobility
  • Housing costs
  • Quality of neighbourhood
  • Sustainable living and engagement with natural environment.

Please use the feedback form to email your feedback tonzgss@stats.govt.nz by 31 October 2016.

News and events

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Reminder: EEfS Strategy Feedback due
Compost Making Workshop
Workshop: Vegan 101
Posh Nosh Gala Dinner: Kaivolution Fundraisert
Mustelids in New Zealand
Waikato Biodiversity Forum event
MEIT volunteers wanted
Hammond Park Fun Day

Reminder: EEfS Strategy Feedback

Due Monday 10 October

Have your say on the draft National Strategy for Environmental Education for Sustainability 2016-2026 at doc.govt.nz/eefs

The Strategy is being developed through collaboration, including the Department of Conservation, Ministry for the Environment and Ministry of Education.

Feedback is being sought by 5pm Monday 10 October 2016.

More information.

Compost Making Workshop

When: 16th October 4-6pm
Where: Grandview Community Garden, 180 Grandview Road 

Want to learn about hot composting, cold composting and worm composting (vermi-composting)?

  • How do you make high quality compost?
  • What is certified organic compost?

This will be a hands-on practical workshop.

Cost: $10

To register: email grandviewcommunitygarden@gmail.com or organicfarmwaikato@gmail.com or text Tim 0211035755

This event is hosted by OrganicFarm NZ Waikato and Grandview Community Garden Trust.

Workshop: Vegan 101

A practical and friendly tutorial for those who are new to veganism.

Check out this workshop for an introduction to a sustainable diet choice.

In a 2010 report the UNEP urged for a global move away from the consumption of meat and dairy which will be vital if we are to save the world from hunger, and alleviate poverty and the worst impacts of climate change.

Agricultural production accounts for a staggering 70% of the global freshwater consumption, 38% of the total land use, and 14% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Impact based studies highlight that animal products, both meat and dairy, in general require more resources and cause higher emissions than plant-based alternatives. Animal products are important because more than half of the world’s crops are used to feed animals, not people. Land and water use, pollution with nitrogen and phosphorus, and GHG emissions from land use and fossil fuel use cause substantial environmental impacts.

An indirectly large proportion of the world’s crops have to be produced to feed animals, with a high land use as a consequence. The production of agricultural biomass, especially animal products, is and will remain an inefficient transformation process compared to most industrial processes.

The report notes that our preference for meat and dairy-heavy diets is "unsustainable", especially as the population is expected to grow to 9.1 billion by 2050, a growth of 50%.

The Inaugural Posh Nosh Gala Dinner: Kaivolution Fundraiser

Kaivolution needs some dosh to keep its wheels in motion, so we have organised a fun fundraising event:

The Inaugural Posh Nosh Gala Dinner is taking place on the 11th of November at the Wintec Atrium.

This event offers a delicious, three course meal and excellent entertainment. All money raised will fund Kaivolution’s operations and build its capacity, including enabling the employment of more van drivers and allowing us to operate from larger food sorting facilities.

Kaivolution provides a waste minimisation and food redistribution service. Food that is good enough to eat but not good enough to sell is collected from more than 15 food retailers and 6 supermarkets across the city, and there are a number of supermarkets waiting to sign up. In less than two years Kaivolution has rescued over 160 tonnes of food, and has distributed it to over 65 charitable organisations throughout the Waikato.

We are experiencing considerable demand for our food rescue service, but in order to respond we need more operational funding and a larger food sorting centre. So please join us for the Gala Dinner and help grow Kaivolution's capacity.

Tickets purchased before the end of October go in the draw to win a nights accommodation at Solscape Eco-accommodation in Raglan, with restaurant vouchers included. Guest speaker Pamela Storey and some awesome prizes are part of the entertainment line-up.

Buy your tickets online now!

Mustelids in New Zealand

Small mustelids in New Zealand: Predator invasion ecology down-under

Inaugural Professorial Lecture next month.

Professor Carolyn (Kim) King, from the Faculty of Science and Engineering, will give her Inaugural Professorial Lecture.

When: Tuesday 11 October at 5.15pm
Where: The Academy of Performing Arts, University of Waikato. The Opus Bar will be open at 4.30pm.

Carolyn is an international authority on stoats, weasels and ferrets, and recipient of the Lifetime Achievement at the Hamilton Science Excellence Awards.

You can listen to a 2010 RNZ interview with her at: http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/saturday/audio/2419841/carolyn-king-small-mustelids

Waikato Biodiversity Forum event

Information, workshops and fieldtrip for managing bush reserves, steep areas, wetlands and streams

Date: Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Time: 9am-3pm
Venue: Pirongia Memorial Hall, 997 Franklin Street, Pirongia

The day is a mixture of presentations, a trip to a steep site on the slopes of Pirongia and workshops. Of particular appeal will be hearing about the use of indigenous forestry for commercial return and learning about the principles of healthy plant communities.

If you want to attend please email or phone Moira Cursey at m.cursey@xtra.co.nz or 027 222 3791. Morning tea and lunch provided (registration essential).

Flyer and rego form.docx

MEIT volunteers wanted 

Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust volunteers are wanted for species work and a news brief for Maungatautari art exhibition. Attached is a notice, requesting expressions of interest from new volunteers for our species work and also a news release about our upcoming exhibition. A news release is also available for download below.

The volunteer need is a real one for us now, as we try and fill several species monitoring, census and intervention programmes with capable people to assist a very small, stretched staff.

Very keen to hear from anyone who wants to learn fast or better, who knows enough to hit the ground running.

There are kokako, hihi, tieke, kaka and kiwi programmes currently running which could all use folk, especially if they are available during the week.

The pest team also has sporadic need for volunteers over spring and summer.

Contact Matthew Lark 021 156 3360 or email heritage@maungatrust.org

Hammond Park Fun Day

When: Saturday 29 October, 1-3.30pm
Where: Hammond Park (entrance off end of Malcolm Street, Riverlea, Hamilton)

Let's celebrate a park alive with native flora and fauna, thanks to residents, City & Regional Councils, and RESI who work together to restore Hammond Park for the enjoyment of us all.

Programme (it's all free!)

  • Fun nature activities for kids.
  • Guided swamp tours and bush walks.
  • Learn about suburban restoration in your own backyard.
  • Learn about weed control.
  • Bring an unknown weed from home for identification. The first 30 will receive a free native plant.
  • Sausage sizzle.

Hammond Park is one of the last remaining areas of mature native bush along the Waikato River. It is home to long-tailed bats, tui, kereru, bellbird, morepork, native fish, glow worms, and the regionally rare swamp maire.

More information...


Three palettes in a range of sizes available on a first-come-first served basis. Pick up from the Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Five Crossroads, Hamilton.

Trustee Vacancies

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Here's an opportunity to contribute your governance skills & experience to our growing, dynamic organisation, making a real difference to the environment and our community.

At our AGM in November this year, The Waikato Environment Centre Trust will have 3 trustee vacancies. As well as governance and environmental sector knowledge, to strenghten our organisation we're particularly looking for people with experience in the areas of

  • logistics
  • risk management
  • finance
  • PR/communications
  • leading an organisation experiencing growth.

For more about the role, and to make an expression of interest, please check out our listing on Appoint: https://www.appointbetterboards.co.nz/find-a-board-position/APT8531

or email our Chairperson, Pamela Storey, pamelastoreynz@gmail.com

Latest News and Events

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Sustainable Supply Chains

Sustainable Business Network Workshop

Join us tomorow morning for breakfast and a workshop on sustainable supply chains. $20 for this workshop. See the attached flyer for information.

Nándor Tánczos is coming to town!

When: Saturday, 8 October; 9am– 5pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton

Human Sphere & Community Resilience Workshop

Our world is changing, although it is not always clear what exactly that will mean. Many of the assumptions we now take for granted will no longer apply in the future. Both long term trends, such as climate change and resource depletion, as well as short term natural and social disasters may impact us in unexpected ways. Building a capacity for resilience, both as individuals and in our communities, is the best way to prepare for an uncertain future.

Fee: $135 (Discount available for WEC members)

To find out more contact us on permaculture@envirocentre.org.nz or call us on 839 4452.

World Organics Workshop

Where: Sunday 2nd October, 2pm
Where: Waikato Environment Centre, 242 Peachgrove Road, Hamilton 

World Organics are running this skin care and makeup workshop. The facilitator is donating commission made on sales to the Waikato Environment Centre. To register your place RSVP to maryanneworldorganics@gmail.com

National Wetland Trust AGM

Date/time: 2.30 – 7 pm, Saturday 15 October
Venue: Miranda Shorebird Centre, 283 East Coast Rd, Miranda

Accommodation: There is onsite or nearby accommodation if you wish to stay overnight, please book directly with the provider (Shorebird Centre details below)

Activities: Keith Woodley will lead a guided walk to the bird hides and give a presentation on migratory birds

Social event: Please bring a plate of food for a shared dinner after the event. We will no doubt find some wine and other refreshments to add to the occasion!

Nominations for Trustee positions can be emailed to the Shorebird Centre: admin@miranda-shorebird.org.nz

tel: 092322781 website: www.miranda-shorebird.org.nz

Mobile Voting Boxes

Have your say! Attached is a list of venues available with mobile voting boxes. Check out a venue that is close to you where you can put in your voting papers. This is an opportunity to make voting a more simple process for people in Hamilton. If you require more information you can contact Nick Chester, Social Development Policy Advisor at Hamilton City Council: DDI: (07) 8386853, Mob: 027 808 1757, Email: nick.chester@hcc.govt.nz

election advert.pdf
