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WEL Energy meeting today

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

For your information
Just letting you know there is a public meeting with Wel Trust candidates at 5.30pm today, Thursday, 19 June, at 5.30pm at Parentline, 48 Palmerston Street - organised by a cluster of NGOs.
You are welcome to attend - armed with questions. It is open to all!
Margaret Evans

Big Picture Film Festival

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

This is on this week as part of the Fringe Festival:

Screenings are 90min and entry is by Koha.
7PM New Place Theatre, Waikato Uni, Gate 8 (off Hill Crest Road)

Below is a tentative timetable to give an idea.

Wed 18th
The Shock Doctrine (Naomi Klein) -7min
The History of Oil -45min
The Greening of Cuba (Post-Oil Cuba)-30min

Thu 19th
FaceBook - 4min
Dead in the Water - (Water Privatisation in South Africa) -52min
The Third Tower (9/11) -15min
The Iron Wall (Palestine)-45min

Fri 20th
America: We Stand as One -4min
Despotism (1946) -10min
War On Democracy (John Pilger) -20min
Permaculture in Jordan -30min
The Money Masters (Banking)-20min


WEL Energy Trust elections

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

You will receive your voting papers in the next day or so.

The Environment Centre Trust does not endorse individual candidates but we are concerned that there are WEL Energy Trust candidates who are wanting to reduce the grants available to community groups. At present there is a 90% rebate to 10% community grants split, which means that most households get at least a month of power rebated which is helpful.

However if that other 10% is also put into rebates then the extra amount each household would receive would be very small whereas the benefits to the community of support for community organisations and energy efficiency projects is extremely valuable. Some of the present WEL Energy trust members do not seem to value the work of volunteers, or acknowledge the huge contribution they make to all our lives in all spheres, sport, arts, social services, environment. They do not understand the incredible difference insulating old houses makes to many lives, not only in comfort for occupants, but all the other benefits to society in keeping people healthier.

So when you are making your decisions, please remember that the volunteer and not for profit community needs support, and we need WEL Trustees who, along with making sure that the business is properly run, understand the role of community support.

We  urge everyone to excercise their vote, and ask you to encourage all your friends, family and neighbours to do the same.



2008 Free lecture Series at University of Waikato

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

DATES: Tuesdays 22 July - 19 August
TIME: 7- 9pm
VENUE: WEL Energy Academy of Performing Arts, Gate 2b, Knighton Rd

A cash bar will operate from 6.30pm and tea and coffee will be provided after the session for those who would like to engage in further discussion.
‘Facing the Apocalypse?' From climate change to the food crisis in the space of one generation
Professor Al Gillespie - School of Law
The big picture in terms of the primary international environmental concerns, and their potential cumulative impact within the next 40 years.
Ko te tini me te mano o Waikato: population prospects in the heartland
Professor Richard Bedford - Waikato Management School
A future-focused examination of population prospects for the Waikato over the next 20 years.

Changing elements of sustainable land-use: carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus
Associate Professor Louis Schipper- School of Science and Engineering
The long-term changes in key elements of New Zealand productive soils.
Between land and ocean: the vital connection of lakes and rivers on the New Zealand landscape
Professor David Hamilton - School of Science and Engineering
There are increasing pressures on the quantity and quality of freshwater resources both locally
and globally. How will freshwater ecosystems adapt to a rapidly changing environment?
The fate of nutrients in our shallow estuaries and coastal seas
Dr Karin Bryan - School of Science and Engineering
This presentation will overview areas of current research in nutrient retention in estuaries, highlighting areas which will form the foundation of future management of the estuarine environment.
Sustainable Enterprise
Mike Pratt & Helga Pratt - Waikato Management School
Sustainable Enterprise is about how enterprises can do well by doing good. A developed theory
and practice of sustainable enterprise to assist other enterprisers will be presented.
ICT & Sustainability - Moving Bits Instead of Bobs
Dr Murray Pearson - School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
A focus on ICT initiatives in the sustainability area including e-waste, the deployment of communications infrastructure, cloud computing and online applications.



Charities Commission meeting

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Invitation from the Charities Commission to Community Groups - groups should have received this but just incase you haven't - note RSVP asap.


The Charities Commission is delighted that so many Waikato charities have applied for registration and would like to meet some of the people providing charitable services for the community.

We would like to invite a representative from your organisation to join us for a special morning tea.

Date: Wednesday 18 June 2008
Time: 10.45 - 11.45 am
Venue: Westpac Trust Central Court, Hamilton Gardens Pavilion, Cobham Drive.

The Charities Act was passed in April 2005 and established the Charities Commission to provide a registration and monitoring system for charities. To date we have registered almost 6,300 charities, including 480 from the Waikato region.

We are now in the early stages of developing plans to support the sector and provide it with relevant advice on good management and governance and would welcome your views on this. At the morning tea, you will meet some of our Board members and colleagues from your sector. Our Board are keen to discuss your organisation, your work, and the environment in which you operate, and to speak with you about any ideas or comments you may have on the Commission and its work.

We are looking forward to this opportunity and hope you will be able to join us.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Kate Williams on (04) 978 7798 or 0508 242 748 or email kate.williams@charities.govt.nz by 11 June with the name of your organisation's representative.

(Please note - we would appreciate your RSVP, to make sure our catering is sufficient).




Green Drinks June 6th

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Hi everyone

This month the Hamilton networking event Green Drinks is hosted by NZ Assn for Environmental Education and the University of Waikato. To celebrate World Environment Day a fun quiz will be held on environmental matters, with interesting prizes. Come along to meet other people with similar interests to you. Everybody welcome! Bring a friend.

BYO drinks. Gold coin donation on entry. Nibbles provided

Keep Friday 6 June free. Mingling from 5.15pm in downstairs S Block foyer. Quiz begins at 6.15.
For university map visit http://www.waikato.ac.nz/contacts/map/

Bike racks available.
OR You can catch the No 17 bus or the no 2 bus from town or Hamilton East, and there are late night Friday services departing from Uni about quarter to the hour.
Check out the bus timetable on  the EW website
Try it - you might like it!!

See you there!

Dr Chris Eames
Centre for Science and Technology Education Research
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, 3240, NZ
Ph (07) 8384357
Fax (07) 838 4272


World Environment Day

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments


Thursday 5th June World Environment Day

Each year on June 5, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) showcases a chosen country or continent. In 2007 it was Antarctica, and this year it is New Zealand. The world spotlight will be on us.

Four Hamilton events
Thursday June 5th
1. Lunchtime at the Environment Centre - Rob Hamill talk
2. HCC Carbon Crusade
3. Forest and Bird Soc Talk and video on Journey the Southern Oceans and Antarctica
Friday 6th June
4. WED Green Drinks, 5.30pm in S block at the University of Waikato

Rob Hamill is coming to the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, to help us celebrate World Environment Day, to talk about his experiences out in the world's oceans.

Local environmental groups will have displays and Community Radio Hamilton are also supporting the day, providing music and activities to add to the fun.

11.30 - 1.30
Rob Hamill at 12.30
Light lunch and "Environment Matters" goodies bag for the first lucky visitors

2. HCC Carbon Crusade

- for those feeling energetic, go and run/walk and plant a tree

• Time: All walkers/runners start at 12noon. All participants to be finished by 1pm.
• Distance: 4km. Participants can run or walk.
• Number of participants = 1200 (600 schoolkids, 600 adults).
• Entry fee: free entry.
• Start/finish: adjacent to Equestrian Centre at WINTEC.
• Parking: all parking will take place on WINTEC grounds, from entrance off Avalon Drive.

Contact Details:
Aaron Fleming
Phone: 07 838 6483

3. WED Forest and Bird Soc talk
Hamilton Gardens pavilion, 7.30pm

Katherine Hay from the Environment Centre will give a presentation on her journey to the Southern Oceans, and look at some of the issues for global species which frequent this region.

4. Friday 6th June
Green Drinks will be hosted by the Waikato Branch of the NZ Assn for Environmental Education. 5.30 in S block foyer at the University of Waikato. As usual, please bring your own beveridge, nibbles provided. Gold coin donation, and try and bring someone who hasn't been before. Enquiries to Katherine 839 4452

Climate change talk

Posted 16 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Hello All - Professor Martin Manning will be speaking at a public lecture tomorrow, Friday 23rd May, in S.1.04 at the University, starting at 10.30am on:

"Beyond the IPCC Fourth Assessment: Shifting the research focus to Climate Stabilisation"

please forward this reminder on to any other parties whom you consider may be interested in attending.


Thank you
Kind regards

Marian Holdaway

Administrator - International Global Change Institute (IGCI)
University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Telephone: 07 858 5628
Internal extn: 5628 Room: F.G.06
Email: mariani@waikato.ac.nz

